Chapter 26

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"You should just answer the phone," Sakura commented when Syaoran's phone rang again for the tenth time within half an hour.

Syaoran glanced at the caller display before silencing his phone and chucking it to the foot of the bed. "There's no way that I'm leaving my bed when you're in it."

"The movie can wait," Sakura said, rolling her eyes at him. However, she couldn't help but feel elated at his words.

Syaoran scooted nearer to her on the bed. If he was any closer, she would be literally sitting on his lap. The phone stopped vibrating and Syaoran used his toe to push the cursed thing farther away from him.

"I'd rather stay with you then listen to Eriol nag. That guy is just like any other old hag who wouldn't stop harping."

Sakura choked on a laugh. "That's a mean thing to say about your cousin!"

Syaoran shrugged as if he wouldn't care less. "I couldn't just let him boss me around you know?"

"Aren't you his boss?"

"Of course I am! But that doesn't mean that Eriol would just shut up and do his work quietly!"

"You should have just gone back to being a CEO," Sakura commented, passing him the bowl of popcorn in her lap. "That way, there's a higher chance that he'll stop pestering you."

"Well, he's the acting CEO now and has the same rights as me. Besides, I enjoy teaching more than anything in this world."

"You really do enjoy yourself," Sakura said, remembering all the weird and silly things Syaoran did in school. "There's no other teacher who's crazier than you."

"I hope not! I aim to be the one-of-a-kind teacher!"

"And get kicked out of the school for being so crazy."

Syaoran pouted. "That's mean."

"Aww... Sensei is sad..." Sakura cooed, patting his puffy cheeks.

He caught the hands on his cheeks and stared at her for a short while before removing the bowl from her lap and setting it on the small bedside table. Before she could realize what was happening, she was already pinned down on the bed, with Syaoran hovering over her.


"You never learn, do you?"

"Learn?" She squeaked and tried to shrink into the bed when he leaned slightly forward.

"Must I kiss you to get you to remember?"

"No!" Since her hands were free, she tried to push Syaoran off her but he just won't budge. "I remember!" She cried out in desperation.

"And then?"

"I remember, S-Syaoran!" This time, she forced herself not to add the suffix to her boyfriend's name but her efforts caused her cheeks to turn red.

"Thats more like it," Syaoran complimented but leaned down for a quick peck anyway. He grinned at Sakura's surprised expression. "Oh! Look! Someone's turning red! How cute!"

"You are so mean!" Sakura exclaimed, thumping her fists onto Syaoran's chest in a fit of embarrassment. "I already called you by your name!"

"I don't care," he said. "I just feel like kissing you all the time." He leaned down again for a second kiss but his phone interrupted them, vibrating incessantly on the bed. He groaned in frustration and pulled away from Sakura to glare at the offending phone. "I swear I'll kill him!"

"No violence!" Sakura reminded.

"I'll get back to you in a while. Just let me murder this irritating guy over the phone."

Sensei, I Love YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora