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Sakura tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears and smiled at the reflection in the mirror. Anxious about what was going to happen made her smile turn wobbly. She finally got a chance to meet Syaoran after so many months of enduring the heartache and worrying. What expression should she wear when she see him later? Should she be angry because the heartless idiot did not even bother contact her? Or should she smile and pretend everything was fine? Perhaps a punch or a kick would be a nice touch. Maybe both. Everything will be perfect once he pulled her in for a hug--except that she was in a lacy maidservant's uniform which Eriol instructed her to wear.

Loud staccato raps on the door reminded her that an impatient Eriol was waiting outside her room. He refused to move an inch from the door unless she changed into the uniform. She narrowed her eyes at him the moment she opened the door. "Are you satisfied now?"

"This is wonderful!" Eriol clapped his hands while eyeing Sakura's appearance. "You look absolutely stunning in that dress!"

"Hiiragizawa-san, this is a maid's uniform!"

"The lady does not appreciate my kind efforts..." Eriol wiped the mock tears away from his eyes. "I went through so much trouble to procure this uniform. If only I could get my hands on a nurse's uniform."

Sakura's blood went cold. "N-nurse's uniform?"

"Imagine Syaoran's expression when he sees you in a nurse uniform. He will be instantly cured for all sickness!"


"Wh-what? That was a loud one... My eardrums almost burst. I bet even Syaoran can hear you from his room."

"Hiiragizawa-san, I really appreciate your help in getting me to Hong Kong and even let me stay in such a wonderful room. But this--" Sakura pointed to her uniform. "--this is too much!"

"Don't you want to get back at Syaoran for making you wait for so long? I'm helping you on that too."

Sakura blinked. "But this... This looks like the joke is on me instead..."

"No, no, no!" Eriol wagged his pointing finger at her. "Just imagine what his reaction will be when he wakes up and see you right in front of him. Ah... that shocked expression..."

"But we don't have to go to this extent just to shock him," Sakura whined, smoothing the crease from her massive knee-length skirt. She suddenly wondered how the maids in the mansion carried out their duties in this uniform.

"By the way, there are a few uniforms in the mansion for maidservants. This is the classiest of them all," Eriol said, answering her unasked question. She looked up at him in surprise and found him grinning at her. "Your expression says it all for you. Come on, let's head off to Syaoran's room—I've got a meeting to attend and we need to hurry."

"And who is the one who insist I change before I leave my room?"

"We need to relax and have fun once in a while in this serious and oppresive environment. No one can ever relax within these walls."

"You look relaxed enough."

"Oh hush! I got a reptuation to uphold."

Sakura rolled her eyes and refused to comment further. She was ushered along a few long corridors and made a few turns here and there until she lost all sense of direction. She wondered how she was going to make it back to her room on her own later. They stopped right outside a door where a well-dressed elderly looking man holding a tray stood waiting. He gave her a slight bow and smiled warmly at her in such a way that a smile came to her face automatically.

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