"When I kiss you" Kale whispered in a shaky tone. It was the first time I've heard him sound scared. "You have to kiss me back"

"No Kale please don't do this" I sobbed.

"I have to, i'm doing it so he doesn't shoot you instead"

My eyes widened and in the corner of my eye I saw Austin. "Okay do whatever you have to do" I whispered.

"No don't do this!" Austin yelled. "Yes! Yes I give up!"

Kale seemed to ignore him as our eyes bore into each others. Our breathing was heavy but mine was because I was scared. "You're brother is coming, Derek told us he was close, he's going to be here Avery, soon"

I sobbed. "Can you please just take it slow"

"Jake will be here before I have to do anything bad" He nodded. I don't know why I trusted him at that moment but somehow, I did.

I nodded and he kissed me.

I didn't feel anything but my mind was racing. He wrapped his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss. It felt wrong and I wanted to do nothing more than push him away but my brother was coming and I had to do this otherwise Derek would snatch up Austin and escape with him before Jake could even step foot in this building.

Austin's protests and screams echoed in the background and I tried to imagine it was Austin I was kissing and not Kale.

Kale then pulled away and started to trail kisses from my lips, to my cheeks, to my neck then to my collar bone. I briefly opened my eyes and accidentally made eye contact with Austin. It was like a strong force hit my chest when I saw how torn he was. He had stopped struggling and I saw the tears trail down his strained face. His jaw clenched and he looked away.

When Kale's lips were back on mine I closed my eyes but continued to cry. He had to pull away when I hiccuped and began to cry out loud it had begun to get that intense. This was worst way of torture.

"Avery why are you doing this?" Austin asked quietly but I could hear the anger and loss in his choice of tone.

"Jake's coming" I stuttered.

"I don't give a shit if Captain America was in the building" He spat. "You're kissing another guy, hell you're about to do worst"

Kale's lips were back on mine, the age difference didn't faze me but what fazed me was how wrong it was, it wasn't just because Austin was in the same room and I was in love with him but in genuinely felt, wrong. I felt like a robot kissing Kale back and I was sloppy too.

He pulled away and his hands were on the button of my jeans. I froze. Where was Jake? I was hoping he would be here before this would happen. Kale pulled down the zipper and my mind completely changed. I guess it was just the natural instinct for a female.

My knee came up and hit him where babies are produced. At that moment I didn't care if the impact prevented him from re-producing, I just wanted him the hell away from me. He stumbled back with a groan and fell over air. Hm, so it was a good hit.

Then something embarrassing happened. It seemed as though my legs moving was enough for my pants to fall down, and they did, revealing the black lace underwear Emily had provided for me. I looked over at Austin who's eyes had widened slightly and Kale who immediately stiffened, well not down there.

Kale stood up at the same time the door opened. The heart leaped and I looked over with anticipation when I thought it would be Jake saving the day but it was John, looking pretty angry.

"What are you doing?" He looked at Kale.

"She kneed me" Kale shrugged.

"Well-"John suddenly fell forward with his eyes shut and standing behind him was Jake and the gang.

Infamous Gray (Sequel to NLOA)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن