Chapter 29: The Bet

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Sorry I haven't updated! I have had a soccer tournament all weekend and have had school work. I might not write as much this week so don't get angry! I also have had a lot of high school soccer games! Bear with me because the season has just started!

Thanks for getting me over 10,000 reads! Are you serious! I have the best readers! Keep commenting, cause it helps me write! Suggestions are always good too! I will have a special thing in store for Chapter celebration of hitting 10,000!


Remember, they just got to Katniss's room and this is right after homecoming. Finnick and Katniss won king and queen...just a refresher...

Katniss POV

We all get ourselves situated in my room. I sit on my bed with Peeta by my side and Johanna and Blight at the foot of the bed. Clove and Cato are on Clove's bed, Finn and Annie are on Annie's bed and Glimmer and Marvel take the couch.

"Congrats to the king and queen!" Clove says.

"I am truly humbled to be in the presence of royalty!" Cato says.

"Silence peasants!" Finnick jokes. We all laugh. 

I still can't believe that I won homecoming queen. Finnick...obvious, but I still am shocked that people voted for me. 

"Are we going to get out of our dresses or what?" Jo asks.

"I would love to see that!" Finn says. Annie punches Finnick in the arm and we all giggle. 

"If you want to, I'm fine. We should probably wait until the guys leave." I say.

"Awwww!" the guys all say in unison.

" guys want a show?" Clove says.

They don't say a word.

"Well, we already gave you one earlier...!" Glimmer says.

"Yeah...I mean do you guys really deserve another?" Annie says.

They remain silent.

"I thought so." I say. All of the girls laugh while the guys sit back dumbfounded.

"Lets do something." Finnick says changing the subject.

"What do you want to do?" Blight asks.

"Movie." Clove says.

"Yeah, movie sounds good." we all agree and set up the room. We move the couch in front of the TV and set up some blankets and pillow on the beds and the floor. 

"Okay, what movie are we watching?" I ask.

"Lets watch.....Cabin in the Woods!" Jo says looking in the tub of movies.

"No not a scary movie!" Annie says. I am with Annie, I don't want to watch a scary movie...

"Too bad, you guys are just going to have to deal with it." Jo says putting the disc in the DVD player.

I move closer to Peeta and he wraps his arm around me.

"I've actually heard that this movie isn't that scary." he says, trying to comfort me.

"It's still a scary movie...I hate them." I say.

"I know." he says and gets a smile on his face, "Need your pillows!?" he asks.

"What?" I ask. But then it hits me. A while ago when we all went to the beach house, I used Finnick and Peeta as my 'pillows'. I grabbed them during the movie we watched and when we went on the haunted house ride on the boardwalk. 

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