Chapter 24: Learning to Live in the Present

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Enjoy the next chapter!

Katniss POV

I close the door to by dorm and sneak into my bed, trying not to wake Clove. I slip under the covers and let my head sink into my pillow.

Finnick is so great. He is always there for me when I need support. I really needed someone tonight, and he was and hopefully will be there to comfort me.

I am confused about what happened outside. I really wanted to kiss him, and I thought he felt the same. He acted kind and sweet, but like a friend. I guess I just have to accept that we are just friends...even though we have done...stuff lately. But I assume that has to be forgotten. Finn seems to be living in the present, where as I am living in the past. I just have to focus on the present...with Peeta. 

I snuggle in Finnick's big sweatshirt and peacefully fall asleep. I wish that I had someone to cuddle with right now...but Finnick's sweater will have to do. 

I have sweet Finnick said, that night. I wake up and stretch my tired muscles. I go into the mirror and look at my face. There are heavy bags under my eyes, I have small streaks of mascara on my cheeks, and my eyes are blood shot. I look like an absolute disaster. 

I hop in a steamy shower and let the water wash away the sorrow. I dry my hair and put it up in my signature braid. I throw on a pair of red shorts and a white tank top with a hang loose symbol on it. 

I look at my face and really need to apply some make up. I put some concealer and foundation under my eyes, to cover the bags. I cover up all of my hideous blemishes, and while I have the make up out, I decide to put on some mascara and a little bit of lip gloss. 

Clove steps out of the shower and puts on her robe. She curls her hair and put on her make up. I sit on my bed waiting for Clove to finish. Once she is ready we walk out our door. 

When we turn to walk down the hallway, I see Annie pressed up against the wall and Finnick kissing her. By the looks of it they're making out... great, just what I need to start off my day. 

Clove clears her throat loudly and they quickly pull apart. Annie turns beet red and Finnick smirks. I feel like steam is about to blow out of my ears, like in the cartoons. I don't understand why I get so jealous of them. No, wait I know why... because that was me holding his hand and receiving his kisses. 

"You two done sucking each others faces now?" Clove says.

"Maybe...." Finnick says and pulls Annie in for another kiss. I want to break down and cry, or better yet break them apart.

"Come on break it up. We're hungry!" Clove says.

"Fine." FInn says and grabs Annie's hand. 

They are whispering things to each other. They occasionally giggle and laugh at what ever it is they are talking about. Clove seems annoyed, and I try to shut it out, but fail at doing so.

We get to one of the many coffee carts on campus.

"I will take a blueberry muffin and a medium lemon tea." I say to the man working the cart.

"I'll have a slice of coffee cake and a hot chocolate." Clove says.

"She will have one lemon scone and a medium coffee with extra cream." Finnick says, and Annie giggles.

"You know me too well." Annie says.

"Why wouldn't I want to know everything about you?" Finn says with a smile. 

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