Chapter 7: In His Arms

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Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I know it might seem a little slow, but I have a lot of drama planned, so be ready!

Note: I do not own The Hunger Games or any of the characters.

Finnick POV

I don't know what it is, but Katniss looks gorgueos tonight! She always looks stunning, but there is something about her that stands out tonight. Hardly anyone is at the drive in. I pay for our tickets and we find a nice spot, right in the middle of the parking area. We get out and start to set up the bed. Back at home, when a guy would take someone to a drive in movie and set up a bed in the back, it meant that they were gonna... you know... but, not tonight. Katniss is special. I am not going to risk losing her. People would say that we are far too early in the realtionship to be saying 'i love you', but our connection is different. She is different, and I love it.

We finish setting everything up and we settle in. We wrap up together in a big, thick comforter. The movie starts and Kat snuggles up to me. I put my arm around her and pull her close.

"I'm so happy I'm with you right now." she says

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I say kissing her forehead.

The movie starts and I have to say, for a chick flick it isn't too bad. There are some very emotional parts that causes Kat to go teary eyed. Of course I didn't cry, I'm a man...

It gets to a slow part in the movie when I notice Kat is acting strange.

"What's up?" I ask

"Nothing, just thinking..." she responds

"About what?"

"Well. Forget it, it's stupid." she says looking down.

"You can tell me anything." I pull her chin up and stare into her stormy eyes. "What's on your mind?"

"Well, when you were preforming the other day, all of the girls were looking at you, as if they could have you. I wouldn't ever think I would be the jealous type, but I got a little mad when they were gushing over you." she says.

"I didn't even notice them Kat."

"You didn't?" she says

"No! Why would I want to look at anyone but, your beautiful face?" I say and gently kiss her.

"I love you." she says under our kiss.

"Forever and always." I say.

The kiss develops and by now, we aren't even paying attention to the movie anymore. We are so focused on each other, that we shut everything and everyone around us out. Our kisses are long and deep. We occasionally break for air, but other than that our lips are sealed on each others. She puts her arms around my neck and she sits on my lap. I try to fight any temptations. I am not going to screw this up on the first date. She is getting aggressive. I try to slow it down, but she forces me back in. I'm not saying I don't want to, I just don't want to do anything stupid.

Finally she stops. The movie is still going so we decide to eat.

"Wow!" Katniss says laying down, staring at the stars.

"That was something." I say.

"Lets try not to take it too fast. I like the pace we are going at now. Unless you want..."

"No! I agree with you, I just got caught up in the moment. We should wait a little bit until we do anything to serious." she says

"Good! I didn't want to come off like I am a wimp or something."

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