Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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This is my first story! If there are any weird parts that don't sound as mature as others, I apologize! Here is the first installment of Hunger Games High: The Spark.

Katniss POV

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Bee-

I hear my alarm go off and slam it off. Great, today I get shipped off to Panem Boarding School. I still do not understand why my little sister Prim and I are getting sent away. I am perfectly fine supporting for the family, since my mom is no help. Ever since my dad died, she shut herself away from the world, leaving me to provide for Prim and myself at the age of 13. Luckily I was able to get a few jobs. I guess that it's better for Prim and I to leave. Let my mom sit here and mope for the rest of her life, I honestly don't care about her anymore. 

I slowly get up and moan when I notice my hair. It is sticking out all over the place and is frizzy beyond compare. I hesitate to bring the brush to my bed head, but with one stroke I am already in pain.

I finally brush out my hair and hop in for a quick shower. I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt and get the biggest sweatshirt I have that isn't already packed away in my suitcases. I brush my teeth, grab my phone and get Prim.

I walk into her room to see her at her dresser braiding her hair. 

"Good morning little duck." I say as I walk over and sit on her bed.

"Hey, ready to leave?"

Yep. Lets grab some breakfast and I will tell Clove."

"Okay, be right down!" 

I leave her room and quickly make us two bowls of cereal.

Prim comes down and we make small conversation over our breakfast. We wash our bowls and grab our bags. We are waiting in the living room as I text Clove.

Hey you almost here?-K

Ya, just turning the corner.-C

Clove has been one of my best friends for as long as I can remember. We instantly liked each other when we met in Middle School. That always comes a a big surprise to me seeing that I am not good at making friends. We have a lot in common and she's always been there for me when I had to deal with family drama. I seem to spend more time at her house then I do my own. I love the loving atmosphere I feel when I'm at Cloves. Her parents, Rachel and Doug and the nicest people. She has never had to deal with the family problems I have had to face at such a young age, but she is still there to support me. 

I hear a honk from outside and Prim and I head out the door, not even bothering to say goodbye to our mother, she wouldn't care anyways. We load our suitcases in Cloves trunk and get in the car.

"Hi Rachel, how are you doing?" I say to Cloves mom.

"Just fine how about you two?"

"Good" Prim and I both answer. 

"Hey Clove, are you excited?!" I exclaim.

"You know what, I actually am! I can't wait for us three to be on our own in California! It's a dream come true!"

Clove has been waiting to get into this school for as long as I can remember. She was always showing me pictures of the campus. I had to admit, it was the coolest place ever! Huge fancy buildings, nice dorms, a game room, media room, the place had a movie theatre! When I found out my mom wanted to ship us away somewhere, I suggested Panem Boarding School and she filled out the papers and here we are! My mom would have sent us sooner, but I wanted to wait for Clove. Her parents agreed that she couldn't go until Junior year when she was "matured". Now Clove and I get to start off our Junior year at on of the coolest schools in the nation! 

"I can't wait to leave this stupid, small town!" I say

"I'm, excited, but I'm going to miss all of my friends." Prim says in a sad tone.

"Don't worry Prim" Clove says, "You are a Freshman now! You will meet a ton of new friends in no time!

Prim smiles at the thought "Thanks" she says.

We drive for about ten more minutes until we reach the airport. Rachel walks us up to the gate. Clove hugs her mom, we give our tickets to the attendant and we board the plane. 

The plane trip is going to take around 4-5 hours since we are on the other side of the country. I assumed it would be a long trip, because we live all the way in North Carolina. Clove, Prim and I watch the movie that is being showed. It ended up being Monsters Inc. The movie ends and we sleep the rest of the flight.

I wake up and notice that we are landing. I shake Clove and Prim awake and we exit the plane.

We enter the airport parking lot and see a guy with a sigh that says "Saber/Everdeen. We go up to the man and we get into a limo! Clove says that her mom hired a limo guy to pick us up! Prim and I are thrilled because we have never been in a limo before. 

The limo stops and we get out. The man gives Clove his card saying that her mom paid him for a few more rides if she ever needed a lift. 

"Looks like we have our own personal limo driver girls!" Clove says smiling.

"This is awesome!" Prim says.

We walk up the larger cobblestone steps. We look around and the campus is better than I thought it would be! Huge oak and pine trees tower all over the campus. They remind me of the woods I would go to with my father before, you know... 

We go to the Administration Building and an obnoxious lady wearing all pink approaches us. She looks ridiculous in her pink wig.

"Hello, Hello! I am Mrs.Trinket, the student supervisor! I am assuming you three are new?" She says with the biggest smile on her face.

"Yes, I am Katniss Everdeen, this is my sister Prim and this is my friend Clove Saber." I tell Mrs.Trinket.

"Okay, let me get you three your, schedules,forms and rooming arrangements." She walks over to a huge filing cabinet and pulls out a small stack of papers.

"Looks like you two are in luck! You are going to be roommates!" Mrs.Trinket says handing us our papers.

Clove and I are thrilled! We walk Prim to her dorm. She seems to have a nice roommate. I think her name was Rue. After we get Prim situated, Clove and I walk to another huge building.

"This is the place!"

"Lets go!"

Clove and I race down the halls and stop at room 254. We walk in and notice there are three beds.

I look at Clove, "Looks like we will have another roommate!" I say

"Hope they aren't some freak" Clove says flopping down on one of the beds. 

The room is awesome. It is really big. It has three beds, one against each wall. Along with the beds, each wall has a desk and a small dresser. There are two big closets and a bathroom. The walls are painted a lavender purple. 

I walk over the the bed on the back wall and Clove and I start to unpack, when we get a knock at the door. 

Well that's the first chapter! Was that too short or too long? Please let me know! I would really appreciate some feedback since I am new to this! Please comment! The next chapter will be coming soon!~ M

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