"Good then. That's what I want. It will suffocate her mother more!"

"For god's sake Chote. Why are you punishing an innocent without any fault of hers?" She shouted.

"Why did she chose that woman over me when she said she loved me?" He snapped.

"Because it's her mother we are talking about."

"Exactly. It's for MY mother I am doing all this." He said and cut the call.

Three weeks passed since Arnav left RM with Khushi.Three weeks since he spoke to Akash or Payal.Three weeks since Khushi last saw or heard jiji or Akash jiju.Three weeks since she saw Nani, Anjali Di, Mama ji or Mami ji.

Nani ji and Di called but never visited them.

If only she knew why?!

Khushi was slowly, slowly just getting more and more lonelier because Arnav spent most of his time at office and she would be left behind in this huge mansion with nothing to lean on or share her pain with.She was surely sinking into darkest pit of hell.

She wasn't allowed to go anywhere.

She wasn't allowed to call her jiji or jiju.

Her calls were tapped and even if she tried calling anyone other than Nani or Di, it would automatically be cut.

Besides, he made sure she ate and slept on time.

Maid would be there to take care of the job but if by chance he stayed at home, he made sure to tire her too much to think of anything else by ordering her around to make one or the other dish.

If she didn't do anything as per his likes, he would threaten her by her family and she won't have any other option but to relent.

She decided to run away once.

She shuddered thinking what results came out of it.

It was the evening and after days Khushi's eyes shew sparkle as she stuffed just a few clothes and necessary items in her bag and let out a breath with a thudding heart.After many days a sense of calm washed over her as she walked out of the front door.

But her happiness was short lived when the guards stopped her refusing to let her out or open the gate.

"Open it. I have some work out. I won't take long." She said confidently.

One of them took the cordless causing Khushi's face to turn pale.

"Whom are you calling?" She asked trying to sound calm.


"Why?" She shouted. "I said I would be back then-"

"Sorry Mam. ASR's orders. We will have to inform him about it."

She clenched her jaws as he dialed Arnav.

While he talked she thought about how to escape because she knew he won't give the permission without him by her side.Her gaze fell on the rifle placed on the small table against the wall.She walked to it casually making sure neither of the guards notice her.

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