Chapter 4

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"Welcome to the team," Kakashi groaned.


"This is a waste of time!" I yelled at Kakashi.

"I know that you just wanna go home, but right now we can't do anything," he explained. "Do you know how to fight?"

"Of course I do!" I retorted. I looked at the raven haired boy, who was staring daggers at me. "What do you want?"

"Leave!" he said bluntly.

"What? I mean gladly, or if I could!"

"It'll be easier for everyone," he said as he crossed his arms. He didn't seem like the moody type.

"I would if I could!" I repeated in his face. "If you want to fight, we can!"

"I'm not going to fight you," he scoffed, like I wasn't even worth his energy. I'm usually not short tempered, but I have already gotten fired up, as my good ol' buddy Natsu used to say.

Water came to my hand and I punched him in his gut. He grunted, but then grabbed my hand and threw me towards a tree. I used my hands to stop myself and to get back on my feet.

"Water dragon roar!" I yelled as a stream of water emerged from my mouth and hit him. My water started to steam up and I furrowed my eye brows. I knew what awaited, fire. He had fire magic? He seemed like the ice type. Nonetheless, I continued to throw attacks at him, and at one point he looked exhausted.

"See, if we kept fighting you would lose. The one thing I excel at is controlling how much magic I use. Or, in other words, my stamina," I said as I punched him in his face and he flew in the opposite direction. I turned back to the group that looked at me with a mix of shock and wonder. How weak and unworthy did they think I was?

"So back to my dilemma, I just want to go home. Just give me somewhere to sleep, something to eat and some people to help and I'll be out of your hair," I said to them.

"I would be more than happy to do that, but if the hokage thinks you're on the team, then you're on the team. And if he thinks you're on the team, he's already added you onto the roster for the chunin exams," Kakashi said.

"Ugh! What is a chunin anyway?" I asked.

"Here there are levels. Right now you are a genin, along with the rest of your team. I am a jonin, 2 levels above your rank. A simple way to think of it is ranks, to go up in to the ranks you have to take tests," he explained.

"Where I'm from, there is no such thing. There is only one master and a couple very high rank wizards. They are called 'S- Rank', and you take a test to become one. My guild had 3 S-Ranks. They are the strongest wizards throughout the whole guild, but I think some other wizards are stronger than them. It all depends," I explained to him, but he looked extremely perplexed.

"Ok, we have to get going. Who wants to take her home?" He said to the group, who stood silent the conversation. They looked at each other and shrugged.

"One of you have to take her," Kakashi sighed. "If you don't choose on your own, I'll have to choose for you!"

"I'll take her," the raven haired boy volunteered as a big bump stuck out on his cheek.

"Thank you Sasuke!" Kakashi chirped as he closed his eye in delight. "You are dismissed."

"So where are we going?" I asked him.

"Just follow me," he said blandly.

"Why did you volunteer to take me? I thought you hated me."

"I do, but you're a person of interest to me," he said as he walked off and I followed.

Fairy Tail, I'll be home soon !

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