A Midnight Walk

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A/N: Before you ask, it is a filler chapter to get us to the ending. Sorry, but Happy Easter! Comment, Vote, and Fan :)

I pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked down the stairs in my dark house to the kitchen. It was twelve thirty am and I knew I wasn’t going to get any sleep again. To be honest I thought I wasn’t going to get sleep again until the whole Noah thing was sorted out. Luckily- sort of- Chelsea had a plan for that. It wasn’t the greatest idea, but it was better than anything I would’ve come up with.

I had to hand it to Chelsea, she took the news well. At first I thought she was going to rip my head off for not telling her, but she calmed down. And now I had the slightest outline of a plan. Maybe then I could go back to sleep and stop midnight snacking every night, I thought as I scanned my fridge for food.

I grabbed some classic ice cream to mend my heart and walked into the living room to watch television. What else was I supposed to do?

I flipped through every channel and not a damn thing was on. I was starting to get restless. I was done with my food, wide awake, and had nothing to do. My eyes flicked to the door and suddenly a midnight walk seemed appealing.

I was already in jeans and a tank top so I grabbed a sweat shirt and was out the door.

It was quiet at first. My block wasn’t the type of place to through a wild party. That was part of the reason I wanted to move here, but now I would’ve given anything to be lost in a crowd.

At the end of the rode I saw a group of girls about my age and started to walk faster in hopes of catching up to them. I landed right next to them only to find out of the three girls Trish was one of them.

“Lexi?” she asked surprised.

“Hey Trish,” I grinned sheepishly.

“What are you doing out a one am?”

I looked down at my clothes; it clearly didn’t look like I was going anywhere important, “I can’t sleep.”

“Want to come out with us?” she asked brightly after glancing at the other girls.

“Where are you going?” I asked guarded.

“To a party,” one of the other girls smiled warmly at me. She was dark skinned with beautiful brown hair. She looked like she had her life in order.

“Sure,” I nodded and followed them until we reached the party Trish and the blonde girl went to the bathroom, leaving me and the brunette alone.

“I’m Hannah, be the way,” she laughed awkwardly, yet somehow it still sounded so natural.

“Lexi,” I smiled.

“So Lexi,” she grinned but I couldn’t hear the rest of her sentence over the noise.

“Huh?” I asked feeling like an idiot.

A man pushed passed me and I bumped into her. “Sorry,” I mumbled and then shouted, “What?”

“What’s up?” she asked trying to move us away from the overcrowded bar area. I lost her hand and ended up in the backyard of the Frat house we were had been in. It was considerably quieter.

I slammed into a man’s back and he turned around to face me still laughing at his friend’s joke.

“John?” I looked up to study the guy’s face.

“Lexi?” he asked immediately sobering up, “What are you doing here?”

“I went out with Trish,” I replied unwilling to go into my insomniac problems, “What are you doing here?”

“This is Austin’s frat,” he answered plainly.

I was a little taken back. Austin was the last person I expect to be in a frat. He was so sweet and considerate. I didn’t take him for much of a party boy, but whatever floats his boat.

“Why haven’t you answered any of my calls,” I narrowed my eyes remembering how angry I was.

He shrugged, “Noah told me what you did.”

“But I didn’t do anything!” I exclaimed exasperated, “I was only going out with Gabe to tell him we couldn’t date anymore.”

John blinked twice at me. It could’ve been him checking to make sure what I said was true or him being drunk, I wasn’t sure.

“But Noah said-,”

“Noah wouldn’t listen to me.”

“So you didn’t actually cheat on him?”

“I can’t believe you thought I’d do that,” I grimaced.

“It’s not like I thought you were sleeping with Gabe. Something I had to convince Noah of…” he trailed off uncomfortable.

“John, please tell me you can help me get Noah to talk to me,” I begged.

He inhaled slowly, “I’ll try.”

A/N: Yes I double space and it's making me feel awkward. HELP!

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