Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Toby twitched, mindless of my uncomfortable shifting as I walked behind him. I looked up and it was clear that night would take over in an half-hour, or perhaps just forty-five minutes. 

        I had gotten away from him and got so stupid enough to just get back home, where he most likely would of been. I cursed to myself in my mind and tried to act neutral. Why hadn't he just killed me. I stared at the back of his messy, chestnut hair that went every which way as I walked behind him. He twitched casually, with his neck twitching to the side or a twitch of his shoulder with would just jerk his shoulder blade up. I want to know what was going on in his head.

        However, I hadn't forgot the day, yes, after the hospital I got to a bar–  one I haven't got kicked out of- and tried to get so drunk to forget what happened just hours before. It only made it worse. Threw that whole time as I sat a table away from the bar, in which was occupied by a bartender doing the casual flirt with the customers, I kept thinking. More I thought, more I wanted to drink.

        It was a blur after a while, I would just stare at the glass that stood gloomily in front of me on the wooden table. I was there for hours, that was until one of the bartenders decided to visit me for her lunch break. It was a quick, stable chat. She asked how my day was going, how I feel, and just the usual chat. It was nice to have. She left after the break was over and continued her shift, after such while, I left. I left to go to my regular liquor store. It was no surprise for them to see me. I've been there many previous times and I knew how to act sober when I just wanted to collapse.

        However, I wanted my mother to feel the pain I was now, I was trying to drink myself to death. So I got a beer pack and decided to go a bit easy.  It was just two beers. I ended up only having one and leaving the other on the curb for anyone who wanted it.

        From there, my drunk ass led to home. And you could probably understand what happened next.

        I took a deep breath, "Toby?"

        "Y-yea?" his voice was a little loose flowing, not stern or frightening it had been before. 

        "Have you ever loss someone close to you?" I asked, almost regretting my decision as he then stopped walking. I felt fear trickle over me as I feared the worst. He keeps having that scary aura around him. It keeps overcoming him all the time. Do I just keep triggering these? I never saw this about him when he just popped into my shitty life. Well, forced himself into my life.

        I walked over to him and noticed he went very pale. Now, he was already pale, like ghostly pale, sort of concerned about it. Now, he was somehow even paler and stared deadpanned at the crumbles and mashed up leaves and thin branches of wide trees that spread beyond us. His breathing slowed, his features did not change. That was until he then stared at me. The look I received made me feel claustrophobic. I felt like he was pressing against me, yet, he was just three feet away. He looked angry.

        Like I had just killed something he loved. What did he even love? It made me feel fear, like death was staring at me. However, that was a figure of speech, right?

        Death was staring at me in a suit as a twig. It stared at me behind Toby.

        "Holy fuck!" I shouted, my feet scrambling to move. I turned like a whip and tried to force myself to sprint. My feet felt like cement and my arms felt like steel bars. I quickly turned my head to still see it, but my vision, it felt disoriented like I was high or even drunk. Isn't Toby seeing this? It's right behind him! Toby looked like an ant compared to how tall that thing behind him was.

        "Toby!" I barked, my eyes widen, "What the hell?!" It was just a few seconds before the thing outstretched it's lengthy arm out, placing a hand on Toby's shoulder. However, Toby still looked angry and glared with a devilish stare and I swear he was smiling. As soon as his hand was on Toby's shoulder, he vanished. They both did. I stopped dead in my tracks. The whole time I had looked back to see that was almost mind-fuck.

        This whole thing was just a blob of mind-fuck being pieced together. 

        As I stood, my feet aching and my eyes aimlessly staring at where Toby had been with- with whatever that thing was! I couldn't move.

        I didn't want to move.

        I just stared, feeling all my emotions to decapitate and be gone leaving me this mindless numbing feeling. I clutched onto my jacket, looked at the ground and sat down. I sat with my knees to my chest and my hands grasping at each other. I can't control anything, I realized. What was going on around me?!

        After that, I stopped my thinking process and looked wearily around.

        I have so many questions of what's been happening.

        One, why had I appeared in a middle of a fucking field and decided to burn it? Two, why had the same lighter from my former attic appear just magically there? Three, who killed Amy? Ah shit, this'll just make me depressed. A single thought then floated up in my numb brain.

        If I had not chosen to steal a hatchet from someone's yard, this would not happen. I tried to contradict the thought, to make it someone else to blame. It was me, I had caused this. I tried to take a breath, but ended to be shaky and then I felt my eyes water up.

        I would of  said something, I would of cried, I would of ran, but the cold hand that settled upon my shoulder was absolute. I was under controlled.

(At least I'm not making you all wait another full week until I update again :/ Hope ya enjoyed and please, this goes for every chapter, if there is any mistake made, feel free to tell me!)

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