Chapter Thirteen

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"Your pantry is loaded with snacks so I h-had The Last Supper."

I chuckled as Toby sipped on his drink and I sat on the bed, scrolling through my phone. I never explained to him what I dreamt about, what happened, and why I just randomly passed out. However, to get him off of being suspicious of my well-being, I told him I haven't been sleeping well and kept getting headaches and just passed out. He believed I suppose. He didn't ask any questions after it. And yes, yes I got a Capri Sun.

However a good question came to mind which gave me a little, Why the hell haven't you asked about this yet?  moment. So I asked, "Toby, how the hell did you find me and bring me here? I mean, like literally, I was in middle of town, well sort of by the woods- you know what I mean."

"What?" Toby twitched his neck a bit, confused, "You weren't even near t-t-town."

"Huh? I remember walking back and just passing out on the sidewalk. What do you mean?"

"I found you near that abandon house- one we stayed in for o-overnight during your f-first mission."

Confused, I mumbled, "What the hell? You sure?" Toby nodded and swiveled and whirled in the grey swivel chair by my desk. "If you do that anymore, Toby, you're gonna fall," Toby brushed off the warning and kept on his not-so-graceful spinning.

"I'm going to check on my aunt, Toby, just. Stay. Where. You. Are," he glared but shrugged at me and kept his spinning constant with his arm pushing him off the desk to go faster. I got up from the bed and went down stairs where my aunt usually is. "Auntie!?" I called out. As soon as I had said that, I heard a thud from my bedroom and I rolled my eyes with and cringed. "Damnit it, Toby," I muttered.

Then I heard my door open and then I heard my aunt, "(Y/n)? You didn't tell me you had a boy over! Why is he in your room?"

I stared at the wood padded floors and chuckled, knowing I was going to have to explain some things. Which most will be lies, no doubt there.

Sighing, I made my way upstairs where my aunt stood by my open bedroom door and Toby in the background lying on the floor with the chair beside him. Still holding his fourth Capri Sun. I gave the 'Bitch, you dead'  glare to Toby, who laughed it off.

My aunt stared at me, then walked over to me. She towering over me with her amazon height. I was expecting the worst to be completely honest. Her eyes then brightened up and she wrapped her arms around me. Surprised, I hugged back and saw Toby just as confused as I was.

"Finally, you are socializing! And you got a boy! But, why is he in your bedroom?" Her eyes finding the weakness in my eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak, "He's a friend."

"(Y/n), then what's he doin' in your room?"

Toby then interjected, still lying on the floor, " I'm just a friend of hers. I have my own somebody."

My aunt rolled her eyes and said, "Alright, anything stupid happens," then she gestured to me, "You're getting kicked out." I nodded, agreeing to her terms and she disappeared down stairs. His own somebody? Somehow, those words really got to me. My shoulders slumped as I went back to my room and closing the door.

"Who's your own Somebody?"  I asked, trying desperately not to seem jealous or anything.

"Why, ya j-j-jealous?"

"N-no," oh fuck me.

He laughed and pulled himself up so he stood, "It's a magical person called," he did shaky jazz hands, "Nobody!"  He chuckled. A great pound of relief flooded over me.

I tried to force myself into joining the laugh, but it came out a bit dry. Toby seemed to brush it off and finish his last and final, glares at Toby, Capri Sun.

"Eh, if you w-would like to explain. Why do were you thinking- dreaming about?" Toby asked, now sitting on my wooden desk.

I hesitated and tried to think of reasons I shouldn't, for all my nerves and feelings wanted to tell. Fumbling with a string on the blanket of my bed, I really wasn't the type of person to hold back something. I was free with what I felt- sometimes. Overall, I never held anything back. "Okay... I guess... So two years back, the year I was graduating... Well, some shit brick psycho fuck set fire to the roads," as I started telling Toby, he became more fidgety. "And it got to my house."

I stopped and focused on Toby, "My dad died."

"W-Well, that makes two dads," Toby muttered, reliving what he done. He enjoyed what he had done. Do it again if he wanted to.

(Shorter than usual, but I just woke up and still haven't finished mweh coffee!)

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