Chapter Eighteen

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(Holy fuck can I get carried away with gore!!!! Proceed with caution!!!)

A direct hit of a speed bump turned my shitty nap into a rude awakening. I mumbled a curse as I felt the familiar keen headache that stuck me instantly. I groaned, loathing the hours to follow this common hangover. Recoiling from getting up, I rested my head against- What was I resting my head against? Oh, a small blanket that usually cluttered the car floor messily. It was blanket I kept in my car when I got to drunk to drive and fell asleep in the car. I'm truly a mess, but I got everything under control; Right?

Agh, I don't know anymore. I took a hand to my face and massaged my forehead and eyes. The cars was moving. Curious I look to see Toby who was now driving to who-knows-where. I lost interest and closed my eyes again, praying to just sleep away the thriving hangover.

"Awake?" Toby asked from the front seat.

I mumbled a yes and continued to attempt for some shut eye.

"You fell asleep so when t-the sun was rising, I thought we s-should get going," he explained.

"Oh," I mumbled, disinterested.

"I thought of a-a place w-we could stay a-at."


"Only, if it's s-still there."

I rolled my eyes, "Where?"

"Oh- It's n-not to far f-f-f," cursing again at his stutter, he continued. "From here. Not to f-far from here," he repeated more clearly.

Rolling my eyes: you may now pronounce my name as Queen of Rolling Eyes! "Be specific."

"Nope." Quick to shut me down there, fucker.

Fuck sleep, "Any restaurants around? I'm hungry and I think a coffee is in order."

Toby sighed, taking a turn. I noticed the scenery around. I know where we are.

A small smirk grew on my face as I noticed a familiar café. I used to go here when a lot with an old boyfriend of mine before... everything went down. He and I would chat for hours and share stories of details that created our lives. It was a unique time every time.

I hate him. When everything went down, he bailed on me, claiming he was moving with his "crippled" mother- Which I found out he moved a state over with someone he hooked up with. But hey, whoever he hooked up with would now know of destroying a great relationship.

That's in the past. That's what I drink away. Drink away everything, I'd say.

Toby parked the car and began to gather his goggles, mouthguard and tossed them in a non-transparent bag that contained his old hatchet and my former hatchet and a switchblade.

"Oi, where you going?"

Toby stared back at me from the driver seat, "Nothing o-of your concern."

I felt a weight settle upon me as a cold demeanor dimmed his eyes and tone. I didn't feel anything but uncomfortable and uneasy with this.

"I'll be back," his deepened tone claimed. Why did I find this oddly attracting?

He left and I got out, gripping on my purse and entered the café. I ordered a much need coffee and just sat and thought. I was so heavily confused on everything! You know, I could just drive away from here and leave everything. Agh, but my aunt. Damnit! "You seem stressed," a low, but hyped voice acknowledged.

Looking up I saw a boy, who I faintly sought to be familiar. I waved and tried to put on grin, "Ya, just a bit," I joked. I never felt this stressed in my life. And let me tell, you I've been truly stressed before.

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