Chapter Six

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My father, he was a wealthy man; so was my mother. They enjoyed each other's company, and rather enjoyed being alone, you know what I mean. However, my father was married to someone else. She was a very gullible, tidy woman. She always tried to make everything perfect. She wanted to make a life that included a loving husband, kids, and under the roof of a nice house and white picket fences and have her dear best friend by her side- which was supposed to be my mom.

As weeks went on my father and her got together often while she was out. After all this was occurring, I joined the show, wrong place, wrong time, that's for sure. Although they could lie, there was all traces that led to him being the father. It ended the marriage and ended the friendship between Mom and her best friend. My father he started a real relationship with my mom since she was now pregnant. It didn't last. Two months passed and he ran off. I did see him a couple times as I was growing up, mainly at age five. So, my mom raised me, addition with family helping here and there.

All that because of me. Not my fault of course: my mother's fault. She knew what she was getting into...

The night seem to go on forever, but before the sun would rise, Toby insisted I should go. I took no second thoughts and left the place with directions of how and where to not get noticed. I'm surely not questioning how he knows this, just play it safe.

It was damp in the woods, like always. Despite constant drizzle, I was aware of everything as I followed dirt tracks in the woods. I thought it was pretty idiotic that even after two hours since the police sirens were stopped, we stayed in that crappy place. But hey, I'm not the experienced criminal! I was given nothing to lighten the way through the woods. So I had to rely on the upcoming sun and sense of space. My home was easily found as I came from the woods.

My home, like many others in the woodsy area, was on the outskirts of these enormous woods. These type of house were mainly for the between of middle-class and first-class type of house. Old, beautiful, wealthy type of houses.  Had isolation from neighbors, massive backyards. Had what you'd want, dreams and wishes would be fulfilled, and life's great. Despite that common shit, It was just my ordinary house. Old, beautiful, wealthy, unhappy.

As I walked on the narrow, long driveway that was unusually longer than the average, I'd imagine. I'd imagine a family. A family with a little girl running with her father in the field. Her mother would be smiling and watching them from her chair, holding a small child in her arms. The kid would run and smile brightly, then be tapped on the shoulder by her father and he would run ,not as fast, from the child, smiling. Then someone would pull up in the driveway and outcome a woman that looked familiar to the mother. The familiar woman would smile, start a chat with the mother and watch the father and the child play tag.

I groaned and rolled my eyes as I realized how cliché it was. A family can't be like that. I know this. I have lived for twenty years, and for fact, I know this is unrealistic. Just another unrealistic expectation of life.

I creaked open the wooden door as I shoved the keys in my pocket. I walked in and frowned at the nicely decorated room. It's lovely, yes, but it brings many memories.

I scanned the rooms and noticed my aunt sitting at the kitchen table, sipping at her coffee and on her laptop. "What are you doing up so early?" I asked as headed off to the coffee pot.

"Chatting with this hottie," I cringed so hard at that comment.

A sigh came from me, I must be the queen of sighs and rolling of eyes by now. I said her name and she took her attention to me, "You're seventy-two and your hobbies are posting cat memes and working."

"Hey, someone needs to try to catch up with y'alls generation," she retorted. "Anywho, my love matcher account says differ." Oh, this better be good. I got my cup of freshly brewed coffee, ignoring my sense to sleep. Then she let me look at her account for the dating website. Immediately, I started chuckling.

Name: Sasha Lebrouse

Age: 26

Hobbies: Memes, working out, being at the beach, trying new things.

Dislikes: Bald men.

Likes: You, now chat.

Bio: Bored, now chat.

Everything was a lie."Woah, your needy," I chuckled. "You can always chat to me."

"Well, you're not a thirty-year-old male with needs to be disappointed by me, now are you?" She sipped her cup as she attempted to act classy. I shrugged still laughing. "You have work in a few hours, you know."

I nodded, "So...?"

"You weren't here, where were you?"


"You're banned from the only bar in town," she looked stern into my eyes.

"That new bar that just opened, not that old one."

She shook her head, smiling, "They're closed this week."

I gave up and shrugged. "You tell me."

"So, you don't know where you were?" I nodded and kept my straight face. "Where the hell were you? Friends? Parties? Better not be drugs!"

"No, no, no! I'm not doing drugs. I was with a friend and passed out at her house!"

Then I was given the "what." face, "Now you're changing the story that you made earlier."

"Hey, I'm twenty. I'm an adult female with standards, responsibilities, and a dedicated life! I can do what I want!" I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes, a very dedicated and responsible life to licking up all the liquor in the house!"

"Hide it better than, you know this. Don't keep hiding it in the same places!" With that she looked down, frowning. She then looked up at me, faking a smile and there she tried to act calm.

"I should be going in thirty minutes, and you should be fixing yourself up. You're a mess."

"Yes, thanks for the positivity, Auntie!" I yelled as I walked out from the kitchen and to the hallway bathroom.

I closed the door to be enclosed in the brightly lit and decorated bathroom. Way over decorated for a place to clean yourself and empty your insides. I stared into the mirror, being met by my horrific reflection. I was a mess. I had dirt at my cheeks and my eyes burned and darkened from sleep deprivation, and I my form was weak. How did I not notice this at all? I guess I am tired, very tired.

I glared at the clock that hung on the door. It's 7: 23 AM. Work's in two hours. I'm just going to have to stay up.

(1147 words!)

Under Control (Ticci Toby X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt