Chapter Twenty-Four

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Bettie stared me down, she may be just twenty years older, and seemed to go to the gym everyday with a death wish, but I'm young and tough and all I need is a shot before I throw a punch. I stood, smiling slyly. It was awful. It was horrible how I couldn't help but keep a keen smile, I didn't want to smile. I wanted to drive into a ditch and lie there with my booze. However my truck probably got towed overnight and I have no booze, unfortunately.

        "Bettie, oh sweet, Bettie," I stared her in the eyes. "I'm depressed about this situation as you are. I'm just having fun with this little sizzling pan of sad thoughts and anger issues." I pointed to her, still as if we were joking around and my voice was still low. It was really, really odd of me, I never had much of a low voice. "You want to tip that pan over. You're in for a real treat."

        "I thought you were better than this! Didn't your mother raise you right? Oh- wait, never mind. She didn't raise you at all."

        I felt my heart clench in anger. "I know if I even touch you, you're going to sue me with your ho money."

        "It's called a side job- not-" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

        "Same thing. Now if you excuse me, I need to go."

        Somehow this deepened the offended Bettie more. "And just leave you aunt here?"

        "Aren't you here for her also?" I queered.

        "Well, she's your aunt-," I interrupted proudly again.

        "Yeah, and he's your latest cheat buddy," I smirked, gesturing to an oblivious man that was overwhelmed with papers and binders. She shook her head in an agitated manner.

        "See ya, Bettie," I waved, the smile fading from my face with a deadpanned look. "Leave everything locked is all I'm going to say." She looked very angry and I felt proud to make her feel that way. I checked out of the hospital. For a brief moment I felt relief. I felt free. Free from it all. Toby doesn't know where I am, my aunt finally passed and I truly hope she went happy with her life, though she seemed depressed.

        I slumped against a bench that was back to back with the hospital building. My hand went through my hair and my eyes lazily watched people walking in and out of the building. Some seemed stressed, happy, sad, and a whole mess of dizzying emotions. There wasn't many people, most elderly. Normal day here.

        "What is it, that if I knew something, it could hurt me?" I asked myself, trying to remember what Toby had said. If I left and tried to hide from him,  I wouldn't ever know. This is irritating.

        I rubbed my eyes, tiredly. It was still morning. As  I stopped, my whole body tensed as I stared down the road, there it was again. The twig-like figure stooping to a size bigger than the street post next to it. I about made a run in fear, but it was faster than it could be seen. Frantically, I glanced around. I couldn't find it again. How everyone acted I inferred none of them saw it. Perhaps, if someone was even staring there, they could have mixed it with the tall pines that densely populated the area.

        This time, for the four or five seconds I saw it, I noticed something odd. It seemed to be wear a tunic of some kind. Unlike last time, I didn't feel dizzy and hear static, just saw it. Was I losing my mind? Greatly.

        Toby may be looking for me, I thought as I got up and tried to pretend that it was nothing. Pretend this monstrosity was nothing and it was just a glimpse made by my sorrowful mind.

        I knew where I was to go.

        Toby, as frustrated and unstable he felt, tried to think of a possible location she'd go to.  It was all simpler than he thought. Where else would she go?

        It would take an hour to get there. He ruffled his already messed up hair that went every which direction.

        Then he noticed a bus stop. Perfect, he would just have to take a bus. He already had a ten dollar bill, so that should do it either get to there or near there. 

        Quickly, without any attention paid to him he tried to mat his hair down. At the moment, no one was able to see the hatchet, hence him having his hoodie wrapped around his waist, hiding the view of the two weapons. His goggles and mouth guard was sloppily shoved in his pockets. He still looked like he just came out from a fight, but he decided he was alright and made way to await for a bus that later he found out was only fifthteen minutes away to come around here.

(Just a easy, short chapter!)

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