Chapter Fourteen

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"You're lucky that it was a mere fracture and nothing to serious, " The cop lied a blanket over my leg, where the fracture was. He acted as if it was nothing too serious, but small. I knew very well from the sight and pain from my leg, that it felt like a demon was ripping its way out of my skin. "The paramedics will be over quickly, they're tending to other people at moment," he told me. I nodded and tried to take deep breaths, forcing myself to not look at my former home that burnt down in just two to three hours. Not to say I was the only one, several others were burnt. A lucky one down the road fought it and saved their home.

"Was there anyone in your home besides you?"

My mind went blank and I felt oblivious to everything. Looking around and trying to think that this could be a nightmare. Ya, those deathly nightmares I always get- that got to be it. The cop repeated his question, giving me a pitiful look as he read my wide eyes.

I practically had to spit out words, my head leaning against the car door, I still tried to believe that this was all a dream.

"My dad."


"What's the date?" Toby asked, fiddling with a red pen. Still, annoyingly swerving in the chair.

I checked from my phone, "April twenty-seventh." Curiously, I asked, "Why?"

"Nothing s-special," he replied.

I jumped up, "Tell me, please!" I exaggerated "please" making it seem longer.

Toby shrugged, "My birthday." He made it seem like it wasn't worth anything.

"Your birthday? How old ya going to be?"

Toby hesitated and tried to think. Wait, does he literally not know? "Twenty-o-one."

I brightened up, "You're just as old as I am." I uneasily chuckled, "You look a lot older than twenty." It was true. He didn't look like twenty, easily looked in his late twenties. He had dark rings around his eyes, had a tall and built structure, didn't easily make you think he's just twenty.

"So your birthday's... when?"

He sighed and tilted his head back, "Tomorrow."

Smiling, "Ay, brightened up Clock Boi, it'll be your birthday tomorrow. Nothing's wrong with that."

He groaned at the nickname, irritated.

My phone vibrated on the table and I picked in up in a few seconds. It was a call from Amy. "Yellow?" I chuckled, but stopped as I heard nothing but static. "Amy?" Toby stared with curiosity across the room.

"Oh, (Y/n)? Hello," It's Amy's mother. However her tone soaked with dread.

"Mrs. Gee, what's up?"

"I... (Y/n)," her voice seemed strained. Curious, I awaited until Mrs. Gee would say what she needed to. To be honest, I wish she never called me. "Amy's gone."

"Gone? What do you mean? Like left- or?"

"Her body- it was found," my face drained of color, my knees locked up and my heart clenched.

"I...I... I don't know what to say. How? Yesterday I was with her? Y'know a-at the therapist...," As I spoke, Toby glared with confusion and tried to read my dim eyes.

"She was found in a ditch," her mother sobbed as I put a hand over my mouth trying to pin everything together.

"What did you do!?" her mother roader over the phone.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Sure! Keep telling yourself that," the phone hung up. That took an unexpected turn.

I caught Toby staring at me, he confused and seeing as I was not in any mood now to speak of it.

"Amy's dead."

(Next chapter will be longer)

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