Chapter Thirty-Four

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(Agh, -_-, last chapter I suppose. Why am I so bad at the endings. Sorry if it's shitty, I tried! It's short, but hell, I made this story from a small idea, I didn't plan for the ending tbh.)

        I was so mesmerized and in my own wonderland by what previously happened, I seem to almost forget why we were trying to walk out of the woods. It's what love naturally does, makes you feel special and on a bliss high, that the world revolves around the ones in the dosage of love. And nothing seems to break that. It made me feel special, then again, this was just one moment. I hope there is more moments. Maybe, one day, I can tell him how I feel.

        I chuckled internally as I sat against a tree with my knees to my chest. We had stopped as we needed break, so I sat and Toby was using his now-dirty jeans to wipe off specks off his hatchets. I remembered one time when I was using the hatchet as a something to let off some steam. My aunt was outside, smoking one of my cigarettes and just watching me. I kept trying to break off all the bark possible of a wide, dense tree. "Y'know, you'll get hurt if you keep doing that," she called out to me, I ignored her and kept slamming the blade of the hatchet against the bark. I wished I didn't ignore her. Not even a minute after she had  said that, "Fuck! Thanks for jinxing it!" I hissed as I felt a burning sensation throb at my wrist. It felt like a bone just decided to jam into my other bones. "Told ya," my aunt nonchalantly said as she went off the get the first aid kit.

        It was just one of those random moments that I just remembered. I wish I can replay it, I wish I can change it. I sighed, what if I changed it? What if I never saw nor thought of that hatchet that lied on the ground near those elder's home. It would probably be the same old thing. My aunt criticize my habits and she in her messuva bunch and I continuing everything I've been doing since graduation. Which, quite frankly, was just slowing killing me and drowned in a numbness. 

        "Toby," I said, getting his attention as he turned to look at me. "We should hurry; the buses don't come around the evening around here."

        He nodded, "Okay, then l-let's get a m-move on!" His hyped voice made me giggle a little. 

        In just a minute we were already walking again. Where did we land up in these woods? Where are these woods at? If I'm correct, then I think we're safe. An internally sigh of relief washed over me to just think we are safe. To think we would be safe from whatever the hell that thing is. I smiled.

         Then I saw the edge of the woods where it welcomed society. I just about dropped. "Toby."


        I laughed, "We're here!"

        "So, t-this is the place!? We have to h-hurry!" he nervously twitched, as he hid his goggles and mouth guard in his pockets, thus I took off the his hoodie and wrapped the hatchets with it. We have to be citizens. Innocent citizens.

        Such an easy lift of ease. I was correct. On the way onto a bus, I paid with what I had left in my pockets. We were then on the road in the almost-empty bus. 

        I smiled, everything was going great.

        "This the place?" Toby asked, tilting his head at the building. I nodded. It was an old hideout. Abandoned building, small, but a great hideout. I went here a couple of times before when my dad was out of the house, my friends would take me here and we'd play teenage games, that of course including substances. I rolled my eyes, remembering those days. Those days before the fire.

        I climbed through a window (the door was confined with nailed planks) with Toby following me. "So, you th-think we're safe?"

        "It's a hunch, but I think we are."

        He smiled at me and I smiled back. With a second to spare, he grabbed my hands with his and smiled as he stared at me. I, a blushing little confused mess, smiled uncontrollably. "I w-won't let it c-control you. I can tell, y-you're probably a l-little worried," and he lightly pecked a kiss on my forehead sending little fireworks to my heart. I felt small, but also surreal. "If you'll forgive me. P-Please, forgive me for my doings."

        I knew what he was talking out and I forgave him, ignoring that part of me where I hadn't forgiven him. "(Y/n), I-I'll make sure o-our lives won't be controlled. I'll try to f-find somewhere, where w-we'll be safe."

        "How?" I quietly asked.

        "I'll f-figure it out," he smiled softly and I chuckled.

        "We got no other choices either way," I pointed out. "I forgive you, I may not... Fully forgive you- that's just being human. But I believe you can keep me safe. We got this far."

        He nodded and caressed my cheek as I blushed profusely. "Hopefully," he began, "We'll control our lives."

        As I was about to just hug him, he slyly said, "Under one c-condition."

        I rolled my eyes, "and what's that?"

        "No liquor or smoking."

        I chuckled, "I make no promises," as I wrapped my arms around him. Perhaps, everything is fine.

(I'm sorry if it's bad ;-;, I kept rewriting this and it got more dumb by each one so I chose this one. *sigh*, Well, I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did i!)

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