Chapter 18 - Ups and Downs

Start from the beginning

“Well I’m very grateful for them too then” I said smiling as our hands swung in-between us. We made it to the park which wasn’t very busy. A man stood selling newspapers in a stand which I didn’t pay much attention too until we walked directly passed it, then something made me stop and look at an article on the front cover

‘One Direction Ex causes feud between fans’ the headline immediately caught my attention and I froze on the spot, it couldn’t be about me could it? How could I start a feud? Harry also saw the headline and pulled some change out of his pocket buying a newspaper from the man. He took my hand and led me to the closet bench before opening the paper to the article which we both began to read.

‘Harry Styles and Ex-girlfriend Daisy were the hottest couple a few days ago, but things have quickly changed. Yesterday Harry tweeted that they had broken up due to a mutual agreement, all this came about after they were spotted leaving a hospital, where rumours speculated that Daisy was a patient undergoing treatment for a brain tumour.

Since the breakup fans have been divided, some sad to see them end their relationship while others claim Daisy was only dating Harry to raise awareness of brain tumours and was going to end the relationship soon.

One fan of the band One Direction, Harry is from tweeted: ‘Daisy only dated Harry to get something in the public eye before she broke his heart, how can we stand for this?’ while another on the other side of the argument tweeted: ‘Harry’s and Daisy’s relationship was as real as it could get, I’m so sad to see them broken up and all this about Daisy using Harry is rubbish, she’s one of the kindest people around’.

 Neither of the couple have yet to say anything about the latest rumours, and many people have got involved including doctors who say it’s a good thing that awareness for brain tumours is being raised. But what will happen yet is unknown and we will only find out the truth over time’ I read the article and re-read it, how could fans think that? It was bad enough suffering from the thing without being accused of using someone for their power. It hurt, I wasn’t going to lie, I would have never thought something like this would ever happen but now it has and there is nothing I can do about it.

“How can my own fans say this?! It’s ridiculous, it’s bad enough when they send you hate because we’re a couple but this is just going too far!” Harry said standing up angrily, it was weird seeing him like this, one minute he was declaring his love for his fans the next he was angry, although he wasn’t annoyed at all of them, it was only the ones claiming I’d used him.

“Harry calm down I know this is stupid but you can’t do this in public” I said standing up too, no-one had looked our way which I was thankful for because they might of recognized Harry or something.

“I’m sorry; I just don’t get how they can say something about you. They don’t even know you to make that judgement” Harry said looking down then back at me again.

“That’s why they make the judgement, because they don’t know anything about me or my life and they want to have that connection with you that I have” I said, I’m not too sure why I was defending them when they had caused me more trouble, I guess it was because I didn’t want to see anything come between Harry and his fans, because I knew how much they really meant to him.

A Trip To Tesco - Harry Styles Fanfic - WATTY AWARDS 2012Where stories live. Discover now