chapter 5--Baby Joy!

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First I'm gonna keep it as Nath for a couple of chaprs then switch to Tom and vise versa.This is so I dont have to keep thinking of plots for each chapter they can run through a few chapters,


8 months later.

Nathans P.O.V

We walked up the drive beaming.The guys knew Holly had given birth but hadnt seen the gorgeous girl yet,Summer Oliva Sykes.

"Hey Guys you in?"I shouted looking at Holly.No reply,They had said they would be in.Then it clicked I said loudly "Oh hols no ones in come on lets take her round your flat,"I knew the guys would be despertate to see her they all ran out of the living room and crowded around Summer who was in Hollys arms."You wanna hold her Nath?"Holly asked.

I grinned taking her in my arms,then Jay went "Whats her name?"

"You gonna tell em?"I asked Holly.

"Summer Olivia Sykes,"

"Aww thats so sweet,"Tom went.We looked at him.He laughed and we just stared.

Later on.

"We best go we promised Jayne we would take her around,"I stood up followed by Holly.

"Ok See ya,"The guys choursed.

We had just got to Jaynes house when we saw Angel(her little girl) playing in he front garden.Jayne never normaly lets her do this.Holly was thinking the same as me,"Angel darling should you be out here?"

"Mummy said yes so long as the gates are closed,"

"Okay,"I said.We walked inside and into the living room Jayne was sat at the table doing paper work.

"Heya Jayne"I said taking Summer of Holly and handing her to Jayne,"

"Oh she is so sweet,What her name?"

"Summer Olivia Sykes,"I smiled.


I know its short its just so you know who the baby is and I WILL POST MORE If you would like.

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