Twenty Four: Final Showdown - Part 1

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If it weren't for Michael, the comic store nerds probably would have driven a wooden stake through her heart just to spite David. All Michael would allow them to do was tie her hands together and guard her in his room until night fall, going as far as to take their weapons. She protested, but it was half assed because of how tired she still was.

She fell asleep without meaning to. The mental anguish and physical exertion was too much. They left her alone and she woke to the sound of motorbikes outside. The boys were whooping and raising havoc. The others thought it was meant to be obnoxious but she knew that it was really just how they liked to announce themselves.

"The bikes were noise enough." She thought to herself. Michael led her downstairs and had her sit up. The boys crashed through the front door with Star and Laddie in tow. Apparently they had the same idea, her hands were also tied. Laddie trailed in behind with Katie bringing up the rear.

"Michael," Star whined his name.

He went to cross the room but Marko and Dwayne blocked him.

"You wanted to talk..." David had his arms crossed. "Lets talk Michael."

He crossed the room to Taylin and Paul pushed Star toward Michael. The boys gathered possessively around her and David untied her wrists.

"You ok, T?" He whispered, worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine." She massaged her wrists where the rope had twisted her skin red.

"Whose the head David?" Michael asked.

The two locked gazes. It seemed like an eternity before either said anything more.

"You're looking at him."

It was so quiet that the little compass on the roof was all that could be heard, turning violently in the wind. Everyone looked at David who said nothing. Bored with the stares, he lit a cigarette. The boys and Katie kept quiet. They were in on the plan.

"No, you're not. You can't be." Taylin looked at him in disbelief. She knew it couldn't be David, yet he seemed deadly serious.

"I am," He glanced at her once, a warning, before training his gaze back on Michael. He was bluffing.

"Can we kill him now Mike?"

"Cool it, Sammy," Michael glared at his brother before crossing his arms and peering through the dimly lit living room to the vamps. "Who are you protecting David?"

"Myself." David stood.

"So... Star, Laddie, the boys..." Mike gestured around the room. "Taylin. Even the intent with Katie... You're telling me that it was all your doing? There is no one else?"

"Just me, Michael. You said it that first night, didn't you? Just me. So have at it." David held his arms wide, an invitation of sorts.

Michael chuckled in disbelief before lunging at David. Everyone scrambled, only Taylin tried to intercept. It was a futile attempt. Michael didn't even look away from David as he hit her in the throat, knocking the wind out of her. She tried to cry out but couldn't make a noise. She fell against the wall with a sickening thud, head first. Everyone stopped to look at her limp form for a second before David had Michael by his throat, raising the pair of them in the air.

"You're dead, loverboy!"

As the two battled it out, Marko and Katie ran to Taylin to try and wake her. Star took Laddie upstairs to hide, worried for their safety and the younger three boys squared off against Paul and Dwayne.

"Taylin? T? Come on. T, wake up!" Marko shook her shoulders. "Taylin!"

"I tried to make you immortal!" David yelled as the two groped at each other in mid air.

"You tried to make me a killer!" Michael fell a few feet as David landed a blow to his chin, knocking his head back.

The younger three didn't stand a chance against the lost boys. Sam shot an arrow, catching Dwayne in the arm. He howled in pain once before scattering them like dominos, all out cold. Taylin's head burst with pain, but she was awake. Marko helped her to her feet as she looked around. Her brain felt scattered. Once Katie noticed she was awake, the left Taylin in Marko's care to help Dwayne.

"My blood is in your veins, Michael!" David said through his fangs. It seemed like it was all over. David had him pinned just above a set of antlers, murder in his eyes.

"So. Is. Mine!" With a last burst of strength he overpowered David, switching their positions in the doorway to what looked like a room of animal pellets.

"Michael, no!" Taylin screeched as she remembered her dream. She was loud enough to send Star running back down the stairs. "Don't!"

Stumbling out to Marko's grasp and ran to the dueling boys, Star just behind her. But it was too late. Michael hesitated a second before throwing David from him, peircing his body with the antlers. Taylin screamed, dropping to her knees feeling her heart shred the same way David's had just been. It was the exact scene of her nightmare. Everyone stood in shock, too shocked to fight. Michael looked at David's limp body.

"Michael, I don't feel any different," Star said, reaching for him.

"Because it wasn't him!" Taylin screamed from her place on the floor, pounding her fists against the wooden boards as her fangs slid over her bottom lip. She lunged. "I told you! It wasn't him!" Her gaze zeroed in on Star. "You! This is your doing. You killed David!"

She lunged forward. Just inches from ripping Star's throat out with her clawed fingernails, Marko pulled her back. They fought, Taylin's nails creating scratches along his face and arms. She wanted Star dead. Blood for blood.

"T, stop!" The authority in Dwayne's voice caused her to cease the assault Marko. Now that the anger was subsiding, the grief began to snake its way through every pore in her body. She now wailed into Marko's brotherly embrace, her heart shattering into thousands of pieces.

"Mike?" Sam called out as he and the nerds came to.

"Get away!" Michael called out, hiding around the corner. His eyes still looked like hell and his fangs glinted in the dim light. "Don't let them see me like this, Star."

Everyone stood stock still, the only sound in the room was Taylin's sobs. With David gone, what were they to do? Disburse, or fight to the death? No one was supposed to die tonight. Marko held her tighter, helping her keep upright. The front door opened and Lucy entered with Max behind her.

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