Fifteen: A Soft Spot and A Rough Tumble

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Early the next night, Taylin had finally stopped brooding long enough to eavesdrop on the boys' conversation. They had a meeting with their Sire that night, and they hadn't exactly been truthful when they told her she'd be safe.

"Can I go?"

"No!" Four voices shouted back at her with varying degrees of urgency.

Taylin took a step back, holding her hands up in mock surrender. Katie sat curled on the couch with a book in her hands, watching this exchange.

"I'm going to have to meet him someday, aren't I?"

"No," This time only David and Marko answered her.

"I think it's best that you stay as far away as you can. Let us talk to him. Your safety is the most important thing."

"I would be safest going home." David lifted her chin, so she was forced to look up at him. "You can't keep us here. We have jobs, you know."

"You're staying."

A sense of calm overcame her anger. Taylin felt herself nod and the boys filed out. With them gone, she wasn't sure what she should do with herself. They hadn't left her out of their sight since she'd tried to leave. Instead, Marko and Paul had gone to Max's to get the girls' things.

Still pissed with Katie, Taylin began to explore their new domain. To the far side, close to where she'd been sleeping with David by her side was a large bookshelf that nearly reached the ceiling of the cave. She made her way over, checking out the collection on it's shelves. She was highly impressed. Some of the books even looked to be first editions, never opened. Running her hand along the spines of those she could reach, she stopped and plucked one from the shelf. Aesop's Fables. It's spine cracked as she opened to view the table of contents. When the sound of their bikes had subsided, she put the book back and made her way to the cave entrance.

"Uh, they told us to stay..." Katie called.

"We're in the middle of nowhere, I have nowhere to go." She climbed out of the cave to the Bluff. She sat on a broken cinderblock and breathed in the salty air.


"Well, I imagine you know why you're all here." Their Sire lit a cigar and leaned back in his chair. "I believe I'm owed a full explanation as to why one of my boys is dead."

"You know full well why," David challenged, leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head. "Stacy threatened my mate."

"You're still on about this, hmm boy? How do you know the bitch isn't like the last one? She's already tried to run, has she not?"

"Her reasons were different. She took off because she was thinking about her family, no because she was scared." David shrugged. "It's different this time, I can feel it."

"Hmmm," Sire turned to the other three. "And what's your excuse."

The three exchanged worried looks.

"I'm waiting," Sire raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I- It..." Marko stuttered before offering. "Mates have immunity. It didn't seem right."

"Right? It didn't seem right?" Sire puffed furiously on his cigar. "Let me tell you something, son. What is right isn't for you boys to decide, is it?" No one moved. "I, as your sire, am the one who is calling the shots on what is right."

He stood and began to pace the floor.

"Now, because you boys decided to do what is right, I am down a son. The last thing I wanted was a daughter, too much drama. And it appears I've now gained two." He sighed and crushed the remainder of his cigar. "They are safe. You have my word on that." A collective sigh of relief came from the boys. "However, I'll not take another betrayal like this. You boys are getting too bold for my liking, to... Soft And for two mere human girls. You didn't think I'd let you all walk away unscathed, did you? I'm disappointed in you boys."

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