Epilogue: Reborn - Part 1

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5 Years Later

David got off the plane, hand clasped tight in Taylin's. He hated flying to Santa Carla but after their crazy trip on his motorcycle two years previously, Taylin refused to drive cross country ever again. The wind in her hair and bugs in her teeth still made her sick enough to vomit. David, feeling light headed again, leaned against the wall, eyes closed as he recollected himself. Hearing Taylin giggle at him, he opened his eyes.

"Don't even think of telling the boys about this." He warned her.

She laughed louder this time and he knew that it was hopeless. She already planned on telling them and no amount of empty threats would sway her.

"Do you see them?" She stood on her tiptoes, looking through the throngs of people for Marko and Paul. "They're supposed to be here..."

"Bet you there at home. Still drunk from last night." David sniggered. Taylin had to admit that he was probably right.

Not much had changed in Santa Carla in the past 5 years. This was only Taylin and David's second time coming back since he'd decided to follow her home, the first being Grandpa Emerson's funeral. Mia, of course was shocked, put off by David's demeanor and clothing choices. He was fascinated by her hometown, though even he admitted he'd gotten a little stir crazy in the beginning until his humanity caught up with him. Now he loved it. His favorite person (other than Taylin, of course) was none other than Mia, who accepted him despite his sudden appearance into her life.

Paul and Marko never really left the night life. They both had steady jobs in the evening that let them off early enough to party, which they still did quite frequently. Marko wrote and called often with stories of what the boys did. Paul was going steady with a local girl named Cheyenne, while he himself didn't want to be tied down just yet. Bachelor life suited the two, though it bugged the hell out of Taylin because their house (formerly Max's) always seemed to be a mess. She kept having to remind herself that it was basically her house anymore. Mia never did get around to visiting Santa Carla and had signed the deed to Taylin, who couldn't kick out her best friends. So she became a land lord instead. The two had free reign of the house, with exception of the room she and David used when they visited. The same one which had been hers the very first summer she'd visited.

"You're probably right. Let's just take a cab."

When they arrived at the house, Taylin used her key to open the door and was greeted by a whiff of pot smoke. She left her bags with David and trudged into the den. As suspected, Paul was sprawled over one couch asleep while Marko had the other occupied by himself and a topless girl.

"Hey!" Taylin kicked the couch beside Marko's head. "Get up!"

Marko jumped into a sitting position when he saw Taylin. The girl gave a little yelp and rooted around for her shirt while trying to cover herself. Marko grinned sheepishly.

"Hey, T. You were coming home today?" He asked with a big yawn.

"Home? I thought you said you lived alone?" The asked him.

"No sweetheart, this is my house, and I think you just made a mistake." Taylin told her. Her hands balled into fists and she turned, yelling, to Marko. "What the hell Marko?"

Paul woke at her outburst. Taylin glared at the girl as she scrambled to leave, muttering to herself "not again". David entered the room as she fled and looked around, perplexed. When they heard the front door click shut, they laughed, except for him.

"What?" Taylin shrugged. "I caught Marko cheating on me."

This time, David joined in the laughter.

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