Twelve: It Just Takes Time

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It wasn't until she was outside that Taylin realized she had no idea where they were. In front of her was the edge of a cliff, behind her was the cave entrance and what looked to be the rubble of a building. Way off in the distance, too far to walk, were the lights of the boardwalk. She groaned and started walking. Katie bounded up the ramp behind her and quickly caught up.

"There's no way what they said was true, right?" She asked.

"They're telling the truth. Or what they believe is the truth. Maybe they're crazy. I don't want to believe in monsters. Monsters are to scare bad kids into being good." Katie hugged her arms to herself. "I really thought Dwayne loved me." She sadly muttered.

"I thought so too." Taylin said. "You guys get so stupid when you're together. Hell, you slept with him that first night. I thought it meant you guys were meant to be. Now I know that you're just a ho."

They laughed as Katie playfully shoved Taylin. They linked arms and walked for what felt like hours. It was around 3 am when they finally reached the boardwalk. Heading for Max's video knowing he was at work. What could they say that he wouldn't be angry? They'd just have to go with the truth, apologizing for not listening to him when it came to the boys. They saw two bikes parked next to the wooden stairway that led up to the boardwalk. Paul was smoking another joint but Marko made his way over.

"Why are you walking? Are you okay?" He asked them.

"Okay? Ok with your little prank?" Taylin was angry again.

"T, it's not a prank!" He insisted.

"Leave us alone Marko."

"But T, it's not a joke!"

"I don't believe you!" She caught the attention of some late night stragglers. "Who would? You're all crazy!"

She rushed away, ignoring him and avoiding eye contact with Paul as she took the stairs two at a time. She stopped just outside the door to the video shop and took a deep breath, waiting for Katie to catch up.

"Where've you been?" Maria asked as she noticed them. "Hey, you guys okay?"

"Not really. Is Max here?" Taylin swallowed hard as the burning sensation came back.

"Nope, the San Fran store. If you can hang until close, I'll drop you off at home."

Katie rushed back while Taylin went into the bathroom and chugged two cups of water. Yet the burning sensation remained.


"And you just let them go?" David yelled at Marko. He was furious, mostly with himself but he couldn't help directing it to Marko. It seemed easier that way.

"Hey man, I did what she asked. You are the idiots who let them walk from here to the boardwalk after dumping life changing information!" Marko pointed an accusing finger at David and Dwayne.

"Hahaha, life changing." Paul laughed from the couch.

"Just... We need to keep an eye on T. If we survive punishment. We made our choice, and it'll force him to make one too." Marko did a back flip onto the fountain.

"Nah man, we'd already be dead if he wanted that. You know he's a big softie for the vampy ladies." Paul said. "Give T some time. Red knows what she saw, and it'll eat at her until she comes back with more questions. Just give it time man. Time."


Three nights later, Taylin could no longer ignore that there was something about her that had changed that night. She felt that she should, but she couldn't bring herself to approach any of the boys. They were there every night, loitering outside Max's video. The girls refused to leave each others sides so they couldn't be caught off guard. So far, Katie had refused to even acknowledge Dwayne in solidarity with Taylin, though she yearned for him in ways she never thought would be possible.

Finally growing bored of the same four walls of the boring staff room, Taylin decided to sneak out the back and head to the boardwalk. Spotting an empty bench in a secluded spot of the amusement park she sat back and closed her eyes. The bench creaked under the weight of a second person. She glanced over to see Marko and shifted her body away.

"You just gonna ignore me T?" He asked. She said nothing so he tried again. "Do you still think David's lying to you? That we all are?"

"Would you believe it?" She retorted.

"Well yeah, I did and I do. It was better than my life before." He didn't elaborate.

Taylin turned to face him, looking straight into his eyes.

"You expect me to believe that, to save me from dying, David turned me into a vampire?"

"Yes," Marko replied. "You should consider yourself lucky we showed up when we did. We all heard Stacy's plan. It wasn't pretty."

"Marko..." It would be awkward when she asked her next question. "Vampires and humans, they can... You know?"

"Yeah T, we can do the dirty. Just a matter of personal restraint can make or break the vamp out."

"But Dwayne didn't kill Katie. He just fed off her."

"No. A vampire wont kill their soulmate." Taylin laughed when Marko told her this but he quickly sobered her up. "It's rare, but it happens."

She'd heard enough. She got up and headed back to the store. So far, she'd been able to fight the burning in her throat with acid reducer pills. She woke Katie and the two helped Maria close the store. When they were in the office, Maria took a close look at Taylin.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Why?" Did she look different too?

"You've been kinda down the past few nights, Katie too. Max might be playing dumb, but I was a teenager too. Just a few years ago, believe it or not. If you need to talk..."

"Thanks Maria. But I'm okay." Taylin smiled at her.

"Okay," The older girl pulled her hair into a messy bun and began putting the drawer from the register into the safe when it happened.

A powerful scent wafted to Taylin and her throat burned worse than it had before. The next thing she knew Maria was passed out on the floor with Taylin leaning over her body.

"Taylin!" Katie yelled.

She looked around, confused and realized that she'd attacked Maria. She turned and ran from the shop. Katie tried calling out to her, but it was useless. Taylin took off on the boardwalk at a run. They had to be around there somewhere. Finally she spotted Marko and Paul just getting on their bikes.

"Marko!" She screamed, her voice hysterical.

He turned to see who was calling to him. When he saw Taylin he abandoned his bike. She was crying and talking a mile a minute.

"T, calm down, I can't understand you." He gripped her arms in what he hoped was a soothing, rather than painful way.

"Maria." was all she could get out before running to vomit in a trash can.

Luckily he understood. Paul stayed behind with Taylin as he went to check the store.

"She's fine, I already checked." Katie met him in the doorway.

Marko nodded and walked into the office. He wasn't good at mind bending, but he was able to erase the girls involvement with Maria's incident. Locking the store behind them, Marko led Katie to where he'd left Paul and Taylin. She was sitting with her legs pulled to her chest, shaking and gasping for air but had stopped crying. Paul was clearly uncomfortable and rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Is she...?" Taylin couldn't bring herself to ask.

"Maria will be fine." He told her. He offered a hand and helped her to her feet when she took it.

Taylin looked at Katie, who nodded. It'd been a few days and with what just happened, they were finally ready to listen. They looked at Marko and he smiled, already knowing the question before it left her lips.

"Will you guys take us back with you?"

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