Fourteen: Attempted Escape

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David woke before Taylin, with sex on his mind. The boys were stirring but taking their time. Dwayne and Katie could already be heard. Their attempts at being quiet were futile. David couldn't take his eyes off the brunette next to him. She looked so beautiful, so sexy laying there beside him. His shirt he'd lent her left little to the imagination. Though it went nearly to her knees, it had bunched up while she slept, barely covering her upper thighs.

Her scent still drove him wild. Even though he knew her blood was tinged with that of his - their Sire's (though she could never know who he was) - blood, he still wanted to taste it.

Her eyes opened and closed a few times as she woke, sensing someone was staring at her. Hunger was on her mind, she was craving pizza... And sex. David chuckled and she smiled. She stretched and yawned, knowing she should get up soon. She either didn't know or care but the shirt lifted even higher now. David looked away, then back at her as she pulled him toward her for a kiss.

"Good morning. Or should I be saying goodnight?"

"You can say whatever you want, looking like that." He said without thinking.

Her eyes snapped opened and she looked down and blushed a deep shade of red. The blood rush gave David nasty thoughts. She reached for the blanket at the bottom of the bed but he forced her to stop.

"Don't cover your body, I like it." He smirked.

"Oh yeah? What else do you like?" Though she was a virgin (with a capital V), she somehow knew what David wanted. In a swift movement, she was looking down on him. He'd effortlessly lifted her to straddle him. He kissed her hard, unleashing everything they'd bottled up since they'd met. She leaned into David, wanted to get closer to him. To feel his bare skin against her own. To know what he would feel like inside her. David ran his fingers through her hair, wrapping his fingers around the strands before pulling her flush against his body. Tilting her head to the side, he started to lay kisses along her neck and jawline.

"Oh." The small sound of surprise snuck past her lips. The feelings she was experiencing... And that was just from his lips.

They both heard a distant snigger. The boys knew what was going on but were undeetered by what their brother and new found sister were doing. Knowing that they didn't mind made David pull away, feeling territorial. He drapped the blanket around Taylin, who was visably shaken with need, embarrasment and slight anger.

"They're still guys, and I don't want to share. And Katie would try to kill me for deflowering you in a less than fitting way." He kissed her one last time before maneuvering her off him just as the boys entered with Katie.

"Get our grub on, bro?" Paul asked.

"You go ahead. D and I are taking the girls to get some things to bring back." David explained.

Taylin whipped her head around, hair flying every which way before tumbling over her back and shoulders.

"Bring back? What do you mean bring back?"

"It's safer for you here." Was all David offered.

"He's right. He could still change his mind and stake you out." Dwayne added, meaning their Sire. Katie nodded.

"I thought you understood that by now." David told her.

"Understand what David? Are we just supposed to run away and drop everyone we know and love?"

"Everyone I love is here." Katie said, shrugging when Taylin glared at her. "What? You know how my family is..."

"It's the only way, T." Paul told her.

Reborn - A Lost Boys fan fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang