Seven: Secrets And Revelations

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Taylin gently touched the hanging ivy and willow branches as they swung back and forth. David parked his bike next to a huge willow tree with branches so thick that she couldn't see what was beyond them. David walked beside her and stepped past it, holding it aside for her to follow. There was roughly a foot and a half of space before the next ivy curtain greeted them. David moved through it, and about 5 more with her right behind him. As the last curtain swung shut behind her she let out a small gasp. She never would have guessed something as beautiful as this would be hidden here.

A small, private safe haven was laid out before her. Water trickled in to create what she assumed was a swimming hole. In the middle of the water was a long, flat rock with a thick blanket of moss growing over it. The water on the side they were standing on looked to be about two feet deep while the other side looked deeper.

"I'm dreaming... There's no way this is real," She said in awe.

"It's real. All of it." David told her, sweeping a hand out across the circular hide away. It was then that Taylin noticed the tiki torches littered throughout the space, far enough away from the ivy to keep from catching fire. "The hardest part was sanding down that damn rock."

"You built this? All of it?" She was delightly shocked that something so contrary to who he was on the outside had come from his hands.

"Just because we live rough doesn't mean we don't crave beautiful things," He turned his gaze from the rock to her.

She blushed and walked to the waters edge. A sturdy tree branch stuck out from its base. It held her weight perfectly as she leaned onto it.

"Wow," She said, still drinking in the beauty that surrounded her. "You must have really loved her."

David was good at masking his emotions, especially around his brothers. But Taylin was more perceptive than he'd initally guessed. She didn't seem angry or territorial at the thought of another girl. More than anything she was curious and sad for the loss David had suffered at the hands of this past girl he'd done so much manual labor for. He decided to let his guard down a bit.

"I thought I did," He admitted to Taylin. "But she couldn't hack the life and went running. Word travelled a few months later that she'd met her Prince Charming."

"I'm sorry," She said, taking note of the bitterness in his voice and wanting to comfort him.

"I'm not, they're both dead."

Her blood ran cold, then rushed to her face at his reply and he noticed. His vampire instincts kicked in and he crept up behind her slowly, like a cat going for a mouse. But instead of pouncing, he fought the urge and paused to her left, his lips inches from her ear.

"She knew a dangerous secret. And she told."

"What secret?" They were both whispering.

"You don't wanna know."

"I'm asking, aren't I?" She turned her head to look at him, her neck left exposed.

David's mouth salivated something fierce. He clamped his lips shut over his growing fangs and turned away.

"David?" She asked.

"Stay back!" He commanded. If he caught her scent while he was like this, the game would be over before he was ready for it to be. He didn't really want there to be a game anymore. He wanted Taylin around for as long as she could be.

"David, what's the matter?" She placed a hand on his shoulder.

Before he even realized he'd moved, he had her pinned against the tree -his body flush against hers. He just barely had himself under control, fangs away. But not before she caught a glimpse of his fiery eyes. Her breath hitched in her throat, both from his unsettling appearance and the sudden body contact.

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