Thirteen: Back Again

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Marko and Paul sped toward the cave, the boys home, with the girls clutching onto them for dear life. Riding with David was one thing, but Marko seemed way more reckless than he was. They stopped their bikes and they all got off. Just before they entered the cave however, Marko gently touched Taylin's shoulder. Paul went straight down the ramp while Katie took her time, waiting for her friend.

"He might kill me for this, but David thinks you're his mate," Marko said.

"Hmm," Was all she replied. She wouldn't tell anyone, but she sort of liked how it sounded.

"Just do me a favor and make up with him. He's not good with losing. It's insufferable honestly."

The two descended the creaky walk way to the sound of music blaring, getting louder with each step. Pot smoke wafted to greet them and the girls couldn't help but laugh at the sight before them. Katie's heart swelled as she saw Dwayne, splayed across the couch tossing a toy football above him and catching it. Paul was dancing around on the huge fountain behind the couch, banging his head with the music and screaming song lyrics as loud as he could between puffs of his joint. The two turned to look at them. Katie smiled shyly and sat next to Dwayne, who started talking to her in a hushed tone.

"Where's David?" It was hardly louder than a whisper but she knew they heard.

"Well, well, well. To what do we owe this pleasure?" He said in a condescending tone. David appeared at the front of what looked like a hallway. It was pitch black behind him. "We thought you'd made your choice."

"I..." She faltered, confused with the way he was treating her. Hadn't Marko just told her that David had very deep feelings for her?

David smirked and crossed the room to sit in his chair, which she now noticed was a high backed wheelchair with the wheels locked in place. She didn't appreciate his smirk and crossed her arms, glaring right back.

"I just attacked Maria."

"I told you, she's fine," Marko spoke up.

Taylin sighed and rolled her eyes at Marko.

"That's not my point. It was just so... Sudden. One second we were closing the store and the next I was on top of her. I think I was going to kill her."

"Didn't know you craved that girl on girl action, T." Paul laughed.

Dwayne threw a pillow at Paul before giving Taylin his full attention, an arm around Katie. The two had obviously made up. Taylin sighed again before voicing her request.

"Bottom line, I want to know how to control it. I... Need to know, I guess. Or it could be Katie next time."

"Tay, I've been sleeping next to you the past few nights. If you were going to kill someone, you would have done it already."

"Regardless, I want to know how to keep from being a monster."

"You can't 'Stop from being a monster' T." David told her. "Well, you can try. But it'll get harder. I don't know anyone who lasted more than a few months."

"Well then I'll just have to prove you wrong."

"And what stay a Halfling?" David stood. "You'll threaten us all."

"I can handle it!" The two squared off as Taylin shook with anger.

"Enough," Marko spoke up. "T, we can't let you threaten our way of life. We all agree with David. It's what Sire want's anyway."

Taylin resigned for the time being. Her mind was still made up, but she clearly had no voice with them. She backed away from David and plopped down beside Katie, changing route of the conversation.

"So, are you guys like a coven? What's Katie now, our token human?" She asked. This got her a chuckle from all of them except David. "So whose this Sire you keep talking about, the so called 'dad'? Do I get to meet him?"

"No. The less you know the better. All he cares about is that you learn and abide by the rules. And I almost died getting that much out of him."

"Rules?" Taylin groaned.

David, with help from the boys told her everything she needed to know, skillfully skirting away from questions regarding their Sire. Katie listened in rapt fascination. This was real. What girl in her right mind would fall for this. No, definitely real. When her eyes started to droop and her head rested on Dwayne's shoulder, David decided it was time for them to all retire until the next night.

"We should go home," Taylin said, referring to Max's house.

"Tomorrow," David promised. "Stay with us tonight."

The girls groaned, but agreed.

"There's a bathroom that way," David smirked at them and snapped a finger to get Dwayne's attention. "D and I can lend you shirts."

They nodded, completely missing the fact that he'd said shirts, no clothes. They headed off in the direction he'd pointed, using candles to see in the darkness. At one point, when the cave was still a hotel (as explained by a sobering Paul) this must have been their pool house. A giant puddle of water took up a majority of the room with a sink, shower and toilet nestled in a corner. Surprisingly, it was still wired with electricity when Taylin found and flipped a switch on a wall.

The water was surprisingly warm when she dipped a foot in. She was tempted to dive in but decided against it, she'd have plenty of time to do so later. She did her business, changed into the long band shirt David lent her as Katie did the same with Dwayne's.

"So... I think you underestimated just how much older than us they are." Katie joked, referencing the conversation they had on the first night she'd met Dwayne.

At the other end of the bed David lay on his back, eyes looking up toward the stone ceiling. Dwayne was still sitting on the couch, waiting for Katie. Taylin nudged her, raising an eyebrow. Should they stick together, or split up to try and find out more separately? Katie's mind was made up the second Dwayne stood. Rolling her eyes, Taylin grew nervous and addressed David.

"So where do you usually sleep?" She asked him. "You got a coffin somewhere?"

"Nah, I got my own room." He smiled. "Maybe I'll show you someday."

She nudged him and he shifted his legs so she could get to the other side of the bed. They were now both fully aware of how new this was for both of them. Taylin had never laid in bed with a boy before and David had grown to think beds were just for fucking. He couldn't deny that his thoughts went there when he'd first looked at her, so vulnerable in just his shirt and her panties. He could easily charm her into sex, but found that he didn't want to yet. Maybe he wouldn't need to at all. Dwayne obviously had no issues with Katie. The noises they were making reverberated through the cave until Paul yelled for them to shut up. Taylin hadn't said anything since she'd laid down. She lay on her back with her eyes closed and concentrated on her breathing.

David faced her, propped up on an elbow and brushed some hair away from her face. Her eyes shot open and found his own. His touch still felt the same to Taylin, but also different. It left her wanting more and David sensed it. Overwhelmed by the urge to get closer, Taylin scooted over and kissed him.

"Thanks for saving me." She whispered.

"C'mere," was all he said, pulling her closer for another kiss.

That's all they did and he found that he didn't care. There were a lot of faceless girls in David's past but not one of those fucks could compare with how happy he felt with Taylin by his side. His last thought before falling asleep was that maybe, just maybe he'd finally found the peace he'd been searching for since he'd been turned into a vampire all those years ago.

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