Nine: (Un)Sweet Seduction

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"Hey, has Dwayne said anything about David?" Taylin asked Katie as they were getting ready for bed a few hours later.

"Um... Not really." Katie said as she took off her makeup. "Just something about their dad making them do something and David didn't want to do."

"Their dad? As in, like, his and Davids?"

"All the boys, yeah. Some reclusive old guy in the mountains adopted all of them when they were younger." Katie said as she put Dwayne's earring in the jewelry box on the dresser. "Dwayne said the guy is super weird, but he's the closest thing they have to a real parent."

"You don't think the old guy will make him break up with me?" Taylin worried.

"Does it matter? We're heading home in three weeks anyways."

"Well yeah it matters. Don't tell me you're having mind blowing sex with Dwayne just because you can?" Taylin was put off to the way Katie was acting. The same and yet so different all in the same breath.

"Well, I have a life back home." Katie shrugged. "And Dwayne has one here. I love him more than anyone else I've ever dated, I really do. But I can't just stay here. And neither can you. We've got college to look forward to. We've got our families. My sisters wedding is in October and she would murder me if I missed it."

"But what about after?" Taylin asked.

"After college? Well, if we're still talking and I still love Dwayne, if he still loves me, I'll move mountains to be by his side." Katie said as that dreamy look came to her eyes again. She shook her head and took off her bra. "And I'm pretty sure that's exactly what will happen. I can't explain it. Just a feeling."

Katie braided her long red hair before turning to the dresser to pull out a long t shirt. As she raised her arms the braid fell over her shoulder and Taylin took notice to an unusual mark on her friends neck, just below her right ear. She walked over to get a closer look.

"What the hell?" She said. There were two little pin prick marks just a few inches apart from each other. "What kind of sex are you and Dwayne having?"

"What?" Katie brought a hand to her neck, feeling the two points that were raised slightly. "Oh, I guess when he bit me, it must have left a mark."

"Bit you? Katie, it looks like a vampire bit you, not a guy."

"Missing David is making you weird." Katie said as she flopped herself onto the bed. "Have you fucked him yet?"

Taylin threw a pillow at Katie, hitting her square in the face before turning out the lights.


All David could do was lay still and hope for the pain to end. The angry claw marks went deep into his muscle and bone, shredded flesh barely covered the tender wounds.

His neck had been slit from ear to ear, creating a grotesque grin oozing sticky vampire blood with every rhaspy breath he took. His arm still lay across the room too weak to scuttle back to it's owner just yet. At least Sire hadn't torched him, so he would heal. He figured a few more days and he'd have enough strength. Worst case scenario, a week.

How much time had passed already? What has Taylin been up to? Worrying about him probably. Just how long would Stacy wait before swooping in on her? Would he go straight for the kill? No, he liked to play with his food. The thought infuriated David.

He was completely in the dark, estranged until further notice. David flexed his remaining arm and began crawling to his disembowled one, yelling out loud as a fresh wave of pain engulfed him. But he pressed on, even though it was slow going. He would save Taylin if it were the last thing he'd ever do. She was his soulmate and even with Sire's command, he could sense that his brothers knew it too and were torn between following Sire's word and helping David find his small happy in their cloud of hell. Stacy was the only one so desperate for a game to ignore it. And David would make him pay.

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