Nineteen: Victims Of The Night

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After convincing her to meet them the next night Marko left to beat the sun home. Taylin had taken the early shift the next night at the video store and promised to meet them after midnight. It took a lot of convincing. She'd had years to grow to resent them.

Taking her first shift the very next night, she entered the store with a renewed sense of purpose. The time passed quicly and soon she was relieved by Max, who was training a new employee, a tiny middle aged woman who'd wandered in for a job, gaining one on the spot. She paused on her way out for introductions.

"Taylin, I'd like you to meet Lucy. She's going to be helping us out here at the store."

"Hi!" Taylin chirped as the boys entered the shop with Katie.

"Hi. Uh, Taylin, is it?" Lucy asked her. She had a soft, caring voice and Taylin knew right away that she liked Lucy.

The boys split apart and went to various parts of the store. The other customers looked wary and a few even left. This was noticed by Max who immediately took charge.

"Haven't I asked you not to come in here?" He directed to the boys.

David smirked, looked to the others and jerked his head toward the door. They sniggered, even Katie, and left the shop one by one. Max apologized to Lucy while Taylin stood their awkwardly. She wanted to leave, but didn't want to seem rude. Unaware if Max knew she was going to meet them made her even more nervous.

"Oh, we were that age too once. Only they dress better," Lucy laughed, looking after the group.

Taylin could see David's silouette just outside the doorway waiting for her. She said goodbye, told Lucy welcome to the team, and left the store.

"Took you long enough," He said, placing a possessive arm around her waist. She immediately knocked it away.

"I said I'd talk to you, not that I want to be manhandled." She snarled even though the contact gave her a pleasant butterflies-in-the-stomach sensation.

He raised his hands in mock surrender. Though he wanted to give her a sarcastic retort, he motioned for her to walk in front of him to the bikes where the others had come to wait. All of the boys greeted her with a hug and a peck on the cheek.. Marko held her the longest even though he'd just seen her the night before.

"We just gotta pick up Star yet," Paul said. The little boy was on the back of his bike.

Taylin groaned in annoyance and helped herself to the back of Davids bike.

"Can't she walk?" She muttered darkly, a loathing feeling she'd never before known rose within her when she thought about Star.

The boys laughed, even David. They revved the bikes and sped off, stopping suddenly on the edge of the sand where another bike stood. This bike was noticeably older, and although well kept, it was obviously not as up to par as the four boys' bikes were. Star and a tall boy with brown curly hair stood beside it. He'd just mounted the bike and was looking expectantly at Star.

"Where ya goin' Star?" David asked as if he didn't already sense the sexual tension between the two. They could all smell it with the exception of the new boy, Katie and Laddie.

Star looked nervously at David. Surprise registered on her face as she noticed Taylin perched behind him, arms snaked around his waist, her face contorting her features into a mask of intense dislike.

"For a ride. This is Michael." She said bravely, gesturing to her new friend.

"Star..." David's tone of voice stopped her. It was obvious to everyone that she was scared of him.

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