"All right, well, if you want the future to have the whole story, then, we all need to be in it," Barry smirks.

"First, let me put on some makeup!" says Caitlin as she rushes for her purse.

"Hold on now," I say grabbing on to her wrist to prevent her from reaching her purse. "I'm pretty sure the future cares about your makeup." This gets an eye roll from Caitlin. "Plus, you look fine!" I say dragging her to where Dr.Wells and Cisco waited for the picture.

"Okay. Big smiles," says Barry as he holds up Cisco's phone. "Three, two, one." A gush of the wind and a hand pressed on my lower back is all that I felt before Barry's back with the phone. "Ha!" Barry laughs as he looks at the picture.

"Does that count as a selfie?" I ask.

"Absolutely," says Barry. Cisco and I rush over to see the picture. It has Dr.Wells in the middle with Barry behind him. To Barry's left is Caitlin and to his right is Cisco and me.

"Hey!" I shouted as I notice Cisco holding bunny ears behind my head. I playful slap his arm giving him a playful scowl.

"What? It's funny," says Cisco. Barry walked over to talk to Dr. Wells while I walked over the Caitlin eating one of my energy bars Cisco made me.

"How are you feeling?" Caitlin asked.

"Better." I shrugged. Caitlin raised her eyebrow towards me in question. "Honestly! I feel fine! Might have something to do with theme energy bars.

"Okay, how about work?"

"Didn't you see! My story was a headline. Everything seems to be in place." 

"Yeah well don't jinx it," Caitlin warns.

"Nah, that's Cisco's job."

"I heard that!" I hear Cisco yell from the other room next to us. Barry walked over to Caitlin in me. He was now out of his Flash suit wearing jeans and a button down shirt with a light jacket over it.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Oh, where are you two off to?" Caitlin smirked.

"We're gonna hopefully watch a film at his place. Well, the West household... his childhood... never mind I'm going to his place." I say grabbing my jacket. Cisco walks by with a suggestive look on his face.

"Watch it! He's not the only one who lives there." I chuckle as Barry and I start walking towards the exit.

"I want her home by midnight!" Cisco threatens Barry by waving a Twizzlers in his face "Or else."

"And no funny business, she has work tomorrow." Caitlin giggles joining in.

"Okay, bye mom! Bye, dad!" I say, dragging Barry by the hand to leave. Both of us laughing as we did.


Barry opens the door to the West house and we watch as Iris walks down the steps to put something into a box.

"Hey!" I call out. Barry giving a small wave.

"Hi." Iris smiles.

"You do realize the whole point of moving out is not being at home anymore, right?" Barry teased.

"Ha, funny. I forgot a few things." Iris explains. "So how is it living back at the house?"

"Hey, barr! Hey, maddy." Joe calls out from the kitchen irrupting our little conversation."

"Hey," I greeted. "Do I smell food?"

"Yep," Joe smiles as he holds up a dish. "Heard you were coming over so I thought I'll make us all dinner. Spaghetti a la me. You sure you don't want to stay for dinner, Iris?"   

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