“Hello?” I said into the receiver.

            “MAYA!” my sister Alice exclaimed.

            “Hey Alice, what’s up?”

            “Mom said you’re going out with Harry Styles!”

            “Yes… I am…”

            “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

            “Because I knew this would be your reaction…”

            “Is he there with you?” she asked.

            “Um…” I said looking at Harry. He could hear our conversation perfectly and he nodded.

            “Yes he is, here he wants to talk to you,” I said handing him the phone. She screamed and Harry held it away from his ear before he said hello.

            “Hello Alice,” he said into the phone, “Yes this really is Harry Styles… no this is not a joke…” he looked at me and tried to contain his laughter, “Yes I am going out with your sister… why? Because I love her… well I haven’t met you…” oh god Alice. What was she asking him? She could be so embarrassing at times. Me and her were the complete opposite, especially when I was in high school and she was in elementary school. She would always want to wear dresses and skirts and I would always be the one to wears jeans and a t-shirt. People would also say that she looked just like me but I would always say no. I mean, I could see the resemblance since we both were tan and had brown hair and eyes but I never really thought we looked so much alike. I guess that’s just because we were sisters and I didn’t want us looking alike.

            “Okay Alice, calm down,” Harry said. I took the phone from him.

            “Oh my god Alice! What is up with you? Yeah, you talked to Harry Styles, you need to calm down,” I said. I felt like I could be a mean older sister, but she really annoyed me sometimes.

            “Maya shut up! Geez, do you know how big a deal this is?”

            “Yes I realize, but seriously, don’t you know Harry doesn’t like screaming fans?”

            She went silent, “Oh yeah…”

            “Yeah… so it was nice talking to you Alice, I’ll see you this weekend.”

            “Bye Maya,” she said.

            “Bye,” I said and I hung up my phone.

            Harry looked at me.

            “I’m so sorry about her…” I said to him.

            “She’s interesting…” Harry said looking at me.

            “Yeah, me and her sometimes don’t get along so well so sorry I was yelling. I always used to be like that in middle school and high school. That was when she was in elementary school and she was extra annoying.”

            “This week should be interesting,” he said smiling.

            “Just so you know, my family is kinda weird…”

            “I’m sure they’re not…” Harry said putting his hands on my waist.

            I nodded, “Yes they are Harry, I’ve had to live with them for half of my life. They’re weird, I promise you.”

            “That’s okay…”

            “Your family is probably all neat and sophisticated compared to mine…”

            “I wouldn’t say that…”

            “I guess I’ll have to wait until I meet them,” I said. I put my arms around Harry’s neck again and I stood on my toes to press my lips against his. I loved his kisses. They were so nice and gentle and just great. He kissed me back and I leaned back slightly. I felt his curls in between my fingers and he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away to take a breath.

            “Alice would hate me if I told her I kissed you,” I whispered smiling.

            Harry laughed a little bit, “Well I hope you don’t mind your sister hating you because I don’t plan on stopping kissing you anytime soon.”

            I smiled, “You’re sweet.”

            “I know,” he grinned and kissed me again before I could say anything else. I pulled away and put my forehead on his.

            “I love you Harry Styles,” I whispered.

            “I love you too Maya Hartman,” he whispered back, “I love you so much it hurts.”

            I smiled and he placed his lips on top of mine again.

Nothing More, Nothing Less (A Harry Styles Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin