Chapter 13

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Dedicated to Pa5510n_Fru1t because Bex is her favourite character and I love Bex in this chapter! Girl power FTW!



I walked into the steam room, just about able to see there was another person in here. I was about to call out, when gasps and pants stopped me. The person moaned in pain and I recognized his voice. It was Jay. I stepped closer, so I could finally make out his face. His face was contorted, he seemed to be asleep, but he looked as if he were in pain.

'Jay!' I tried to wake him with my voice alone. His eyes shot open and he sat up quickly. 'Jay, are you alright?'

'Fine,' he croaked, standing up. Our bodies were just touching. Jay gulped, his eyes running over my face, my lips, my body. I felt warmth spread through me. Jay was checking me out? His eyes settled back onto my face.

'Are you alright, Bex?' He asked, surprising me. 'You look kind of stressed.' I took a step back, taking a deep breath.

'Do you want to talk in the sauna?' A look of relief spread over his face. We walked out of the warm steam room, the cold air hitting my body immediately. I felt my skin break out into goosebumps. Luckily, the sauna was only a short walk away. I gratefully walked into the heat when Jay opened the door. I settled myself on the wooden seats, Jay sitting next to me, keeping a distance though. I looked sideways at him.

'So, what's up?' He looked at me, his green eyes fixed onto my expression.

'What makes you think that something is up?' I asked, trying to act nonchalant. Okay, yes, I was pissed but my work out had washed away a lot of stress. Despite this, I guess I was still holding onto my anger.

'You're all tense, you're doing that thing you do where you wring your hands, and you just look a little, I don't know...' Jay trailed off. I was stunned. He knew my nervous habit? 'I'm your friend, Bex, remember?' He sounded a little unconvinced about that.

'Friend, huh?' I replied, debating what to say next. I went with it, not being able to resist. 'So do friends check each other out in the gym?' I kept my face blank and emotionless.

'What?' Jay tried to act surprise, but his rapidly reddening cheeks gave him away. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

'Yeah, I saw you,' I stated. He looked pained.

'Look, Bex, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stared, I -'

'It's fine, Jason,' I laughed, showing him it was a joke.

'I just didn't want to give you the wrong impression, I'm with Lucy and I don't want you to think I've changed my mind or anything...'

'I'm sorry?' I shot.

'What?' He looked up at me, surprised by my sudden outburst.

'Jay, you've been with Lucy for what, two months? And you think I haven't moved on?' I laughed. After a while, so did he.

'You must think I have a huge ego, huh?' I nodded, giggling. I looked at him. He was very handsome, especially when he laughed, he looked hotter than ever. And in his swimming trunks, his tanned, toned chest and stomach were on display. A small trail of dark hair led from his navel downwards. But as sexy as he was, I didn't like him. Not like that. Yes, I was attracted to him, and I'll probably always be attracted to him, and when we talked it was so easy, but I don't know, something between us didn't feel right. Not as a couple. I was happy I decided to give him and Lucy a chance, and to be his friend instead. He had a better chance at a relationship with her than he did with me. We were too similar.

'So your dad sounds like a total dick,' Jay said, after I updated him with the current events of my life. 'No offence, of course,' he added.

'No, you're right,' I sighed, 'he is being a dick.' I gulped. 'He used to call me princess, I was always his little princess...' I trailed away, feeling a sadness grip my chest.

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