Chapter 5

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If you don't like the sexy stuff, turn back now! This chapter is when things start getting steamy and it's only going to get worse (or better, depends how you look at it) from here!

Here we go, chapter 5!



The next two days passed by quickly, and things had fallen into a sort of messed up pattern. I'd go to Matthew's house, we'd study for an hour or two, then I'd go back to mine. Jay would show up with Doctor Who and food, then the two of us would spend the evening eating and watching TV. It was nice, I guess.

Friday was when it all changed. I went to Matthew's house as usual, even though we'd pretty much done everything we needed to in preparation for the proper project next week. We were miles ahead, no-one had even started yet. In fact, the project hadn't officially begun, so I'm guessing no-one even knew who their partners were, or what the project was even meant to be about.

So, anyway, Matthew and I settled down in the lounge. He sat pretty close to me. Closer than Jay did. Matthew's arm was touching mine, and his thigh would occasionally brush mine. I'm not going to lie, it sent tingles to my stomach. I still had a crush on Matthew, let's face it.

He'd put on some cheesy rom-com, obviously the type of thing Bex liked. And obviously not what I was into. But it was sweet, the way he was trying. So I tried too.

The film ended after an hour and a half of bad acting, a 'shocking' twist and the expected happy ever after ending.

'Want to watch something else?' I asked, politely. Matthew looked kind of torn. 'You okay?' I was a bit worried, he was always smiling.

'Yeah it's just...' He trailed off. He took a deep breath that seemed to calm him. Looking straight at me, he smiled slightly. 'It's just this week has made me realise that I like you a lot, Lucy. Like, more than a friend, a lot.'

My breath caught in my throat. Surely that was some sort of dream? Maybe it was like in Doctor Who, when the Dream Master tricked The Doctor, Amy and Rory, and they kept falling asleep and waking up in a different reality and they didn't know which was real, and Amy was sure the one where she was pregnant was real because she wanted it so much, so maybe any second now I'll fall asleep and I'll wake up in the TARDIS or something and -

I was cut off by Matthew leaning forward, cupping my cheeks with his hands and bringing lips up to his.



I didn't have feelings for Lucy, but I did care about her well being. I had been stood outside her house for over half an hour. She was always home. I mean, sure it was a Friday night but it was hardly likely little Lucy was out anywhere. I didn't have feelings for her, I swear, but still, I was starting to get worried. I mentally slapped myself for not having her number.

'Bex.' She picked up on the third ring.

'Yes, Jason?' Her voice broke the silence around me.

'Do you have Lucy's number?' I got straight to the point, no chit chat.

'No, I don't,' she replied, sounding a little pissed off. 'But I know someone who will.' She put the phone down.

Wait, she put the phone down on me?! Jeez. A minute later, she phoned back. I picked up a little too quickly.

'She's with my best friend,' she stated.

'Wow, first no goodbye and now no hello?' I said, incredulously. Wait, hold on... Best friend?

Lose ItOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora