Chapter 6

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: liv3lif3


I woke up, feeling completely refreshed. That sleep had obviously done the trick. After the winter holidays, which were full of lie ins, it was hard getting back into the school rhythm. I checked my phone, it was midday. Oh, and one new message.

From Bex:

Hey Matty! Please come over, I'm so lonely here :( xxx

The disappointment I felt when I realised it wasn't Lucy soon faded as Bex's message sunk in. I'd get these texts about once a month. Her dad was a hot shot business man, forever flying out across the States for important meetings, or going on business trips to far flung places around the globe, leaving Bex all by herself.

I text her back with a yes, and hurried to get ready. I didn't live too far away from her, she was over in the more upmarket part of town, seeing as her dad was essentially loaded. Bex got lonely a lot, I think it was magnified by the fact her house was so big. She used to joke that she loved being home alone, that she could do what she wanted, but I knew that was a load of crap.

See, I've known her pretty much my entire life. She was always this little girl with a big goofy smile, constantly giggling. But she changed, and it wasn't her fault.

Her mom had been having an affair for years, and the other year she finally left. And Bex was devastated. Her mother was pregnant with the new man's child and decided to pursue her new life. Bex hasn't heard from her since.

And when her mom left, it ruined her father. See, Bex had always been Daddy's Little Princess. As she got older, the goofiness faded and Bex was just beautiful. She was also the spitting image of her mother, and I think that kind of drove her dad crazy.

So, nowadays, Bex spends most days in the gym or at cheer practice. Her dad pays for anything she might want, they have a cleaner and a cook. But I know Bex would give up the life of luxury if she could just get her dad back.

Bex used to be so much more fun, she used to smile everyday. I felt sad as I walked to her house, remembering what my beautiful best friend has been through. When her mom left, she didn't just lose one parent, she lost both. And she's just been trying to survive ever since.

She didn't have her mom to talk to when that asshole jock made that bet to sleep with her. She just had me. She even spent Christmas with me this year. My family is everything she's ever wanted, and my parents and siblings welcome her with open arms. We just want her to feel loved.

She opened the door before I'd even knocked. She always does that. I know for a fact she waits in the front room, watching the street for me to arrive. She was wearing joggers and an old jumper of mine. I smiled and stepped into the doorway, holding out my arms for a hug.

'I'm so glad you're here Matty,' she sighed, her face buried into my shoulder. I rubbed her back, knowing that all she needed was comfort.

'I'm here Bexi,' I said, using my old nickname for her. 'Where is it this time?' I asked gently. She stepped back, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

'Jamaica,' she replied. My poor Bex, so alone. I held up a bag I'd been carrying.

'Well, I have all the chocolate and snacks we could ever need,' I grinned, 'aaaaaand,' I dug into the bag, 'I found this at mine!' I produced season 4 of Vampire Diaries. 'Fancy a marathon?'

A beautiful, heartbreaking smile appeared on her face. She nodded, seeming more happy than she had in the last few months.

We settled down in her big living room, and watched episode after episode of Vampire Diaries, munching our way through all the food I'd brought over. At one point, I looked over at her as she laughed at something Damon said. She looked so happy, and all of a sudden, I was glad Lucy never replied. I'd made my best friend smile properly for the first time in a while and that was worth everything to me.

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