Chapter 3

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The plan was simple, I just had to put it into effect. I found him sat against a big oak tree during lunch time.

'Hey, Jay,' I made my voice friendly, but not fake sounding. I didn't soften it like I had before, though. 'Don't shoot,' I laughed, sitting myself down beside him, 'I'm not going to throw myself at you again. I get it, you're not interested.' It was painful to say it, but I forced myself to sound nonchalant and as if I really didn't mind. I gave him a genuine smile.

'Um, hi...' He trailed off. His eyes had flashed at the 'not interested' part, but his lips had remained pressed together.

'It's Bex,' I said gently. He nodded, swallowing. 'Look, I know you're up to something with the geek, and I'm here to help.' His face registered surprise. 'Matty didn't tell you? I'm his best friend, he tells me everything, including your plan, Mr Virginity Taker.' I smiled, satisfied at the degree of shock I'd managed to plaster on his pretty boy face.

'That nerd, he's your best friend?' Jay spluttered. I nodded, smugly. People just don't see it, because Matthew and I are so different. But we are like brother and sister, really. Jay looked pissed.

'Don't be mad at Matthew, he's just my best friend, he can't help it. But I want in.' I narrowed my eyes, trying to show I can deal with this.

'Sorry, princess,' he replied, standing up, 'but you're not really any use to me.' I stood up just as quickly, firmly planting myself between him and the school. I put my hands on my hips, bouncing up on my toes to gain a little extra height, and looked up into his eyes.

'I'm not a princess, I am Queen of this school, Jason,' I retorted. 'I know so much, much more than Matty. I know people, I know parties, I know girls... I know virgins.' He raised an eyebrow, and I spurred on, inspired by the fact he hadn't pushed past me again. 'Basically, I'm your greatest ally here, because that Lucy girl is going to be tricky.'

'What's in this for you?' He took a step closer to me. Time to play my wildcard. I knew this would shake everything up.

'When you're done with Lucy, I want you to cement both yours and my legendary status at this school.' I paused for effect, leaning up so my lips were inches from his. 'If you succeed in taking the geek's virginity, I'll let you take MINE.' I walked away, leaving him standing in shock.

Game on.



Remember that plan I had? The one where I take Lucy's virginity and then Bex my best friend magically jumps into my bed? That impossible plan, yeah? I changed my mind. Literally the minute I thought of it, I saw Lucy scuttling down the corridor, looking terrified. I couldn't do that to the poor girl.

Then it hit me. Literally. And by it, I mean Jay.

'You little geek!' I was currently being held by my shirt collar and being thrown against some lockers by Jay. 'You never told me that cheerleader was your best friend!' He shouted. I shrugged.

'That wasn't what you asked,' I replied. I was pissed, I knew what was going on. Bex had so planned this. She'd already told me he wanted her, she said she could tell, and here she was, playing him. I bet she'd told him she was a virgin too. Funny how she could never tell I wanted her.

'You're so smug,' he growled. 'If I would have known that she was a virgin, I would have -' He stopped abruptly.

'You would have what?' I tried to sound dangerous. And failed. 'You would have gone after her, wouldn't you?' Without waiting for an answer, I carried on. 'See why I didn't tell you about her? She's my best friend, I was protecting her.' Understanding dawned on his face, followed by something frightening: smugness.

'Well, as it happens, your bestie has decided that if I'm successful in taking little Lucy's virginity, then guess what? I get to take hers!'

Oh, shit. I knew Bex would play something like this. Which is why I needed to actually go through with that stupid plan I had thought up earlier. It was key now that I took Lucy's virginity first. I had to go through with it, I had to win.

Because, I vowed as I was shoved one last time against the lockers, there was no fucking way I was letting that asshole take Bex's virginity. No way in hell.



I was at home, eating ice cream and watching Doctor Who. As usual. My laptop was perched on my knees as I spooned delicious cold cookie dough into my mouth. My phone buzzed. I choked on my ice cream at the name that appeared on this screen.

'H-hello?' I stuttered.

'Hey, Luce!' His voice was so nice, so non-scary like a certain someone's.

'Matthew, what do you want?' God, I sounded rude. I wanted to kick myself. 'I mean, sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude.'

'It's okay,' he laughed. 'Do you want to hang out at some point? We are going to be lab partners, I've just got the email.' My heart lurched. Matthew was my lab partner for this semester?!

'Um, yeah, sure,' I replied, happily.

'Great, want to meet in the lab tomorrow at lunch?' I agreed. Not only did I get to spend time with my all time crush (excluding The Doctor) but I had another place to eat my lunch!

After we hung up, I put the ice cream back in the freezer and got ready for bed, excited about the day to come.



This was so fucked up. I angrily ran my fingers through my dark hair. If that little nerd had just told me Bex was a virgin, I could go for her, easily attain the kind of popularity I wanted (you know, bedding and taking the virginity of the cheer captain) and voila. Mission completed.

But she wouldn't have been a challenge, I suppose. And LUCY most definitely is. I smirked, remembering her expression. Like a little rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. My little Lucy.

The first day was a success. I'd created a massive buzz around school, the word of my evil, virginity-taking plans had spread and the girls' reactions were amazing, just what I wanted.

There were the obvious, the 'feminists', who have me the most dirty looks, pretending to be disgusted with me. Those were the ones I winked at, causing them to turn bright red and walk off in a huff.

Then there were the desperate girls, the ones that shot me sickly sweet grins, the singling themselves out as willing virgins. Or, not virgins at all, just desperate to get a piece of me. Those ones I ignored, because let's face it, they wouldn't be any fun.

Lastly, there were the girls I wanted. The ones that couldn't make eye contact, that couldn't look at you at all. The scared, shy virgins. The challenges. Like Lucy. They were mine for the taking, trust me. Despite appearances, I'm a geek at heart. I can win these girls over easily.

First, however, I just need to focus on Lucy, because once I take hers, I get Bex. And I couldn't help it, I wanted Bex so bad and I was going to have, no matter what that little nerdy dick did to try and stop me.



Yes, another update! I'm enjoying this story too much to just take it slow. I write when I'm inspired and right now I'm so inspired. So hopefully I can keep writing, setting the scenes and plot, then I can get into the real nitty gritty :D

Comment and vote if you liked it! Please tell me what you think so far, who you like/don't like. Who you want to get with who, etc. Who do you think will lose it first and who to?

BlueWatkins xoxo

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