The dark haired girl glanced at me, "Then, why is she not restrained?"

"Ontari," Nia called out warningly and then glanced at me, "And I hope your trip here wasn't all too unaccommodating, "

"It was lovely," I responded with mockery, "In fact, one for the books."

Nia stared at me curiously, then glanced at her son, "You return after three years believing to have atoned for your sins and present me with a Skaikru."

There were so many things annoying about what she had just said, I thought.

"And you expect me to believe that she is Wanheda," she asked Roan in a calm tone. I guess that's where he gets his annoying tone.

"I don't," he responded, "I have lived through tougher moments, mother. But thinking you for a fool is not a mistake I have ever made."

"So, what is this," she asked as she took couple of steps towards us.

"Skaikru has allied with Lexa," he reported, "Which means your attempts to overthrow the Commander might be a little more challenging then you'd believe it to be."

"That is not news to me, son," she responded, her tone slightly changing towards hostility.

We were wasting her time.

"Hi," I chimed in awkwardly and all eyes fell on me, "Sorry, if I may,"

"What are you doing," Roan snarled quietly enough for me to hear. I ignored him and took a step towards Nia but the guards grabbed me.

With the flick of her wrist, Nia ordered them to let go off me.

"Thank you," I said, giving the guards an annoyed glare.

"Speak, Skaikru," she said.

I groaned at the mention of Skaikru, but decided to let it pass for now. "You're right. I am not Wanheda, but what I can tell you is that I am so much better than she is. Really, I know her personally and she is honestly one of the most indecisive person I've ever met my whole life. I left my people because I don't think they are capable of making a smart decision. I mean, come on; they allied with Lexa. How foolish can you be to ally with a child who is as equally as indecisive as Wanheda herself?"

Nia smirked. Good, I thought. I was getting her attention.

"If I had any say in this, my Queen," I said, "I'd say you have a better chance at winning this war than anyone else. Skaikru may have allied with Lexa, but you're smarter than they are."

She stared at me curiously, and then glanced at Roan, "Who is this girl?"

I glanced at Roan and after giving me a frustrated glare, he said to his mother, "Xavier Carter from Skaikru."

"And what is Xavier Carter from Skaikru," she glanced at me and spoke, "doing with the Prince of Azgeda, speaking to the Queen of Azgeda, on Azgedian land, fighting against her own people."

"Frankly," I responded, "I do not recognize myself as Skaikru. They are not my people, never have been."

"So what is it you seek from Azgeda," she asked.

I exhaled deeply, "Honestly, I don't know." I gulped, "I just, I don't want to be part of them."

Nia began to walk towards me slowly, her eyes running on me all throughout. She stopped just a couple of steps away from me and said, "You expect me to believe that you are no longer a Skaikru because you claim to have disowned your own people. One does not leave their clan just by walking out, Xavier. You might say they are not your people, they might never have been your people, but you fell from the sky with those people, and that, my child, makes you as much of a Skaikru as the people you have walked away from. And if I have learnt anything in my time of reign, is that blood will always be thicker,"

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