Thirty-Two: Hey Little One

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what to say, mate. This is so fucked," Edvin muttered as he shook his head and sat on the edge of the sofa.

Pulling his cap from his head, Robby gave Edvin a weak smile, "It is what it is"

"We'll stay with you- until. . " Taylor began but couldn't finish.

Shaking his head adamantly, Robby disagreed, "No. I don't want you to see me that way and . . I don't plan on sticking around long enough to change anyway," he said as he leaned forward and pulled his gun from his back pocket.

"Robby, we can't just let you go through this alone. We can't- we can't leave you here. . After. ." Edvin argued, fighting with the idea that Robby's body would be left alone to rot.

"There's no choice here, Edvin. There's no time, there's no other option. Don't worry about me. Just tell Paula and my dad I love them when you get back home, and tell them I was at peace," Robby insisted.

It was then that Harley stood from the floor beside Robby and walked away, her head down so that the beak of her cap covered her eyes.

"You need to get going. You're wasting daylight," Robby said as he slowly stood from his spot and removed his backpack, handing it to Edvin, "Here, take what you can fit," he added.

Edvin gazed at the backpack in Robby's hand blankly, not wanting to accept the reality of the situation.

"It's gonna be alright," Robby reassured, although everyone present could see that he was scared. Scared of the end, scared of what came next, if anything. Scared about never going home.

Grabbing the backpack quickly, Edvin dropped it onto the couch cushion and pulled Robby into a tight hug, "Gonna miss you, mate," he admitted, his eyes shut tight and his voice muffled by Robby's shoulder.

"You too, bud," Robby agreed, holding back what must have been an overwhelming frenzy of emotion.

After Edvin pulled away from Robby, he hastily grabbed the backpack and walked back toward the door, his eyes cast down in despair.

Taylor stepped forward to give Robby a quick hug, "Sorry this happened, Robby. We'll make sure Ben and Paula get your message"

"And take care of him. He's gonna need someone to take care of him," Robby requested.

Taylor agreed, "No problem," before patting Robby on the shoulder and moving away.

It was at this time that Robby's complexion had begun to change. His eyes were becoming blood shot and his skin was pale and clammy. He wiped his brow with his unwounded forearm and looked to John, who stepped foward and grasped Robby's hand in a firm shake.

"Thanks for getting us here," John began, "I'll never be able to repay you for what you've done for this mission. You're a good man, Robby"

Robby smiled as warmly as he could muster, "You take this all the way, John. Never stop," he added seriously.

"I won't," John agreed before stepping away.

"Harley," Robby named as he looked to his left, seeing Harley standing near the far wall, arms crossed and head down.

Everyone could see as she took a heavy breath but she stayed where she was and refused to look up.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to ask of you and I'm sure you'll hate me for it, but Harley, If our lives meant anything to you than I ask- I beg, that you continue our mission freely and relentlessly, if not for yourself than for us, who have sacrificed ourselves for this cause. Call it a dying man's last wish"

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