Chapter 27

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It was finally time for the wedding. Izzy had made me get my hair and makeup done before the wedding. She made me wake up at the freaking crack of dawn.  We were waiting to go in. Bethany and Rebecca were trying to give me words of encouragement. I wasn't really nervous. Okay, maybe I was.

My stepdad was waiting with us. I was amazed we actually got him to dress up and not wear Crocs and shorts. It was a rare occasion seeing him actually dress up.

"You ready?" Izzy asked me with a smile and a side hug. I smiled back.

Nicole said "she wasn't done where she was". I know she was released, so who knows what plans she has. I hope it's nothing compared to what she did to Tyler. That was a whole new level of a bitch.

While daydreaming, Izzy and the others were walking down the aisle. It was almost time. My stepdad and I then began walking. I saw my mom in the front, with Brian's family on the other side. I saw all of our friends. I saw Gavin sitting nearby too. He was looking at me, smiling. I then looked forward. I locked eyes with Brian. He had the biggest grin on his face.

Izzy and Rebecca noticed this and they winked at me.

(Because I have no clue about everything about a wedding I'll skip to vows)

I know he wrote his own vows, as did I.

"Taylor, I always liked you, ever since you walked into my class the first day. I never thought I would be able to say that I am marrying you. But I am. Back in school, those moments we had together. Formal, prom, those types of things. I was waiting on you to ask me, but you didn't. We went as friends, but I wanted it to be more. I was too afraid to ask. I wish I had asked you to be my one and only earlier than I did. If you hadn't gone to that show, I probably would've never seen you again. I'm​ so thankful that you both went to the concert and got front row. I love you so much. I hope nothing ever happens to us."

I was in tears by this point.

"Brian, when I first moved to that school, I hated it. I lost everything and everyone. But I walked into 1st period. I saw you in the back drawing. The teacher introduced me and I got my seat beside you. I sat down, looked at you, and you smiled. I smiled back. You gave me hope on that day that I would fit in and make friends there. I had liked you since the summer of 6th grade, but I didn't know for sure. It was 8th grade formal when I knew for sure that I was madly in love with you. I confessed to Rebecca and Izzy in 9th grade. They told me to tell you but I didn't. And I regretted that. Then, however many years later, I got Rebecca to come with me to a concert. We had to get front row. It was my only chance to see you again. And we did. And you remembered me. And now here I am, marrying the love of my life. I love you so much, Brian. I always will."

He too was in tears at the end.

(Skips to the end of a wedding)

"I do". I said.

We were officially married, and i couldn't be happier.

Time skip to home

I changed into my pajamas and lied on the couch beside Brian. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. We decided to watch movies until we both fell asleep.

"Can we watch A Dog's Purpose?" I asked. I had seen the movie, I knew I would cry, but I wanted Brian there with me.

I began crying my eyes out at one part (not spoiling) and Brian pulled me close. He paused the movie and held me until I calmed down.

He knew I had lost a dog that same way before. And he was right with me that day. I had went to school and my friends all literally HELD me the entire time. Even Doniven (true story, irl friends) was there. Seeing this happen hurt me close to the heart.

"Try not to think about it, baby. It's okay," Brian assured me. I tried to breathe and stop crying, but it was really hard for me.

Two or three more times throughout the movie, I cried again and it was the same process. I loved the movie, but it hit me like a gunshot.

Nice analogy to use... Considering the fact that I just heard a gunshot outside!

A Dog's Purpose is the saddest movie I have ever seen. And I've watched Titanic and Me Before You. I'm so sorry it took so long to update, I've been struggling to stay happy, plus I had dress rehearsals/shows at the end of last month, so I've been busy. Lucky for me, some friends have helped me out and kept me happy as I went through hell.

Thank you everyone for reading! I will try to update sooner this time. Byeeeee!!!

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