Chapter 20: Tyler's Story pt 2

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Later in the day, I heard noises downstairs. A woman was here, other than Nicole. Nate wasn't here. He hasn't been here in quite awhile. I heard a gunshot followed by yelling. Nicole was in the room so I couldn't go see what was going on.

"Morgan's got it taken care of. Don't worry about it," Nicole said, trying to calm me.

As if I could be calm right now.

She began to crawl on top of me and kiss me again. I tried to push her away, but she kept coming back.

"Relax, Ty. It's okay. Rebecca doesn't have to know!"

She doesn't have to know. I will never tell her about this. I will never tell any of them about this. No one will ever need to know what happened here.

The fact that after saying this, she began trying to remove my shirt, followed by her own.

Is this bitch seriously trying to rape me right now?

I hated to cry in front of a complete stranger, but I couldn't contain it. I couldn't let her do this, Rebecca would never forgive me.

20 minutes later, she collapsed beside me. I couldn't quit crying that entire time. I didn't want to show weakness. I didn't want to seem weak in front of a complete bitch and stranger.

The worst part being the fact that I let her do it. I could've fought back. But I was too weak. I showed weakness and I will always regret it.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" She said, kissing my neck. I sighed, turning over. "Get your clothes on, Nate's taking us somewhere else. Rebecca knows where we're at here."

As I was sliding my jeans back on, I realized I had my phone in my pocket. I could always contact Brian and let him know what was going on.... If I ever have a chance. I was still about to shoot her whether I have my phone or not. Rebecca would never find out about this. I wouldn't tell anyone.

After I got together Nate literally FORCED me out the door. We arrived at a new place within 10 minutes. They made the mistake of leaving me alone for only a few minutes, but enough time to contact Brian. I told him the address, but left out the part about Nicole. He mentioned that Taylor got shot. So that was the gunshot I heard. I lied on the bed and fell asleep, surprisingly I slept.

I woke up to being literally SHOVED out of the bed. It was Nate.

"They're coming."

I knew it was Rebecca. Nicole never showed up when Nate got shot. None of the others mentioned her on trial. And by "none of the others" I mean Morgan. So therefore I didn't worry about it. She wasn't present at the scene anyway. She was hiding.

"And the rest you know," I explained to Taylor quietly, out of hearing range of the others."

She pulled me close and we stayed this way for a long time. Until Rebecca came back in.

"Hey, want to go see Brian?" She suggested.

"Of course!!" Taylor cheerfully exclaimed. "We'll be a minute but we'll be right there."

Of course, she wasn't this cheery, it was an act. Rebecca went outside and waited on us to get out there. Luke and Bethany were going to go home and meet us there later. That Gavin guy was going to go with us.

"Remember: what happened stays between us," I reminded her. She nodded and hugged me once more. In a friendly manner, she kissed my cheek, telling me I could trust her. We continue hugging for a few minutes before Gavin clears his throat.

"Hate to ruin the moment but, uh, Rebecca is waiting on us," he mentioned. I laughed, realizing he was right.

Taylor's POV

I still couldn't believe Nicole did that to him. That's why he was so scared of her. The worst part is that she didn't stop with Tyler. I WILL kill her, if it's the last thing I do. The whole attempting, if not actually raping my best friend's boyfriend, and my boyfriend's best friend, just pissed me off. She will die.

Tyler could trust me. I would keep it between the two of us. Honestly, no one else needs to know. Rebecca doesn't, she would end up going to jail. Heck even I might end up going to jail. I will kill her.

She doesn't do that to the ones I love and expect to get away with it.

Don't you worry, Nicole. As soon as you're out of the hospital, you'll end up in prison, and possibly even the ground.

Due to the fact that I was extremely tired while writing this, it may suck. However, it was extremely fun to write. I just let my mind go wild. It literally ran free and this was the end result. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! Bye!!

(I'm over 100 ahead in the competition against Rebecca by the way)

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