Chapter 14: A Moment of Peace

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Taylor's POV

I was at home relaxing on the couch with Brian right beside me. Tyler and Rebecca were out, they didn't know that I was safe at home yet. I heard the door begin to unlock, and I smirked. Rebecca walked in and almost screamed.

"BRIAN YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO US! WHO CARES AT THE TIME?! MY BEST FRIEND IS SAFE! I can yell at you for disobeying later," Rebecca shouted. The whole neighborhood probably thought she was insane.

All Brian did in return was laugh. Rebecca dropped her bag and ran over to me and engulf me in a tight hug. I actually slapped her when she touched my side. Tyler also came over and gave me a hug. They put their stuff away and sat down across from me, asking for literally EVERY DETAIL.

"I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DISOBEYED US, BRIAN!" Rebecca yelled. Before sitting down, she smacked him in the back of the head.

"Bethany and Luke were in on it too!" I added.

"THEY WHAT? I'm going to have them get their asses over here," Rebecca replied. I swear it's as if she's our mother. She has to punish her children for disobeying her. 

I broke into a laugh attack at this point. It hurt, but I couldn't stop laughing. Rebecca continued scolding Brian for not listening to her until Bethany and Luke got here. The second they opened the door she slapped them both in the head. They wondered what it was about, then they saw me on the couch with Brian and they noticed my laughing attack happening.

This isn't the first time they have experienced my laugh attacks, they happened often in school. This one was just was just funnier. Especially since we all know Rebecca was half serious and half joking. I personally couldn't take her seriously. She made Luke and Bethany sit in the chairs across from us as Rebecca kept scolding them, both playfully and for real.

"You all could've been KILLED! You should've let the police handle it!" Rebecca exclaimed. I looked at Tyler with a smile, and he smiled back, shaking his head at her. "Taylor! Your laugh attacks will only make you hurt worse!" 

This only made it worse. I continued laughing until Brian managed to calm me down. I then tried to make sure I wouldn't laugh anymore and I told them the whole story.

"When I woke up, I first saw nothing but darkness. Then, a bright light shined in, showing me two silhouettes: a male and female. They began asking me what I remembered, which to be honest, was not much at all. I told them about the proposal and how I remembered going to the bathroom, but nothing else. By this time, I had been out of it for three days. They then began kicking and punching me, while the girl began saying things like 'Brian is mine' and 'You don't deserve him' and all that. I tried not to listen. She asked for the ring, but I didn't give it over. She doesn't deserve Brian anymore than I do. They left the room, leaving me in darkness. I was alone with my thoughts. That wasn't a good place for me to be, due to how I always have been when I have been alone with my thoughts. I thought about one song line: a line from Nickelback's 'Far Away'. A few hours later, they came back in and asked me if I changed my mind. If I decided to give her the ring. I said no, and got punched again. The male- David- continued this, and it seemed like he didn't want to. I wasn't sure. They left the room and eventually, the house. I heard noises and footsteps, thinking it was either the police or Brian. I then found out that it was Brian, Bethany and Luke. We barely made it out of there, because David and Nicole came back before we left the place," I explained. 

"I still can't believe you doofs didn't listen to me and you did this anyway," Rebecca states after a moment of silence.

"Because I had to. I couldn't just sit here while those people were practically forcing her to give up her ring to them, not only that, but they were forcing her to basically let that Nicole girl go out with me. She is wrong, because I don't deserve Taylor. She could've chosen any guy on the planet, yet she chose me. That bitch doesn't deserve me, I'll say that," Brian added.

We finally had a moment of peace. My whole family was here, and I couldn't be happier. The ones I love are here, and we have nothing else to deal with. No more fighting, no more jealous fans. It's finally peaceful.

Until we heard a knock on the door.

I know, I know. I've been spamming you guys with updates. I'm just in a really good mood this morning and felt like writing a lot. I'm also on my computer so I can update SOOO much easier because I can type faster.

This chapter was a really fun one to write. I tried to reflect Rebecca off of real life Bethany, and Bethany off of real life Rebecca in a way. I don't know exactly how I based them, but I love the way I did it. I still love you both! Thanks everyone for reading and the next chapter will be out either later today or tomorrow. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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