Chapter 13: The Rescue Mission pt. 2

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That was when Luke snapped me out of my daze. 

"Hey, we could probably get someone to crawl through this window and unlock a door," Luke suggested. 

We both, on cue, looked at Bethany and she immediately sighs, rolls her eyes, yet agrees. Luke and I get in position to lift her up and into the window. It wasn't too high, so she wouldn't fall to her death if we dropped her.

"Don't drop me. I do want to see my best friend when we get her back," Bethany mentioned. We both responded with "yeah yeah okay" and she crawled in.

More like fell in. We heard a large crash, followed by a quiet "ow". Nothing broke but she could've easily broken herself. She is the clumsiest person...

Running to the front, I hear the lock turn, Bethany on the other side opening the door.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," Bethany sarcastically joked. I laughed at her and we ran in, checking doors and rooms.

I finally found one at the end of a long hallway. It had no light, from what I could tell. I didn't see a window on this part of the house. I ran up to it and tried to open it. Locked.

"DAMN IT!" I yelled, alerting the others. I thought about punching it, trying to kick it down, either of the two options. I slid down the wall as Luke attempted to find a way to either pick the lock or break down the door. 

I can't go another day without you

Taylor's POV

I hear noises in the house, but I can't move or anything. I'm barely conscious at the moment. I want to believe that it's Brian. I can't get my hopes up though.

 That same song keeps running through my head.

I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go. Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore.

I need him. I hope it's Brian. I hope he managed to get here. But I hear three different footsteps. Brian, maybe Rebecca and Tyler? Or maybe Bethany and Rebecca. I get snapped out of this state when I hear someone yell loudly right outside the room.


I knew the voice to be Brian. He was here. That was all that mattered to me. I brought myself to smile, knowing he was here. That was when the worst thing happened. I heard a car pull up. 

Shit. I have to warn them but I can't. 

Maybe it's the police. Maybe it's not them at all. I stopped worrying about that when I felt myself being picked up. I didn't even notice that the door was open, somehow. Before I could say anything, we were outside in the blinding sun. I hid my face in the body of the person carrying me. I then got back to speed.

It's Brian.

Surprising him, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He didn't stop running. I saw the car, and knew. They were back. We continued running until we got to Bethany's car. Wait- Bethany. She's here too?

I was lying in the backseat with my head on Brian's lap. I noticed Bethany in the driver's seat, and Luke in the passenger's seat.

"Where's Rebecca and Tyler?" I ask quietly.

"Both thought it would be too dangerous to try to get to you. They wanted the police to do it, but that probably would've taken weeks, if not months," Brian explained.

"But you did it anyway, no matter how risky? And why Bethany and Luke?" I keep questioning.

"Bethany was the one who decided to come find you, Luke joined in because he hated seeing how broken Bethany was. We probably wouldn't have been able to do it without him," Brian explained. 

Luke gives us a thumbs up from the front seat, saying "you're welcome" or something.

I had a lot more to ask, but I drifted off to sleep before I had a chance to ask any of them. A new line of the song came to my mind.

I forgive you for being away for far too long. So keep breathing, 'cause I'm not leaving you anymore. Believe it, hold on to me and never let me go.

Brian's POV

I saw Taylor fall asleep in my lap. I was honestly the happiest person alive. In her sleep, I heard her quietly singing, I think. I didn't know the song.

"I forgive you, for being away for far too long. So keep breathing, 'cause I'm not leaving you anymore. Believe it, hold on to me and never let me go."

She was happy. And that made me the happiest person alive. Because she was safe, alive, and back in my arms.

Nicole's POV

"SHIT! You let them get away!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at David as he sat on the couch. "How could you let them get away?!?!?!?!"

"Because I don't care. I didn't want to take the girl in the first place. That was your idea, because you're jealous. You want to be with Brian. The second you found out Brian was proposing, I, your 'true love', WAS NOTHING TO YOU! I didn't want to help you out with this, I chose to. I did that to seem like I was on your side. You had no reason to take Brian's fiance, just out of jealousy. That's why I let them get away. Because you had NO REASON to take her," David retaliated.

I stood back in shock. I couldn't believe this guy. I turned to walk away.

"Fine. If you want to show sympathy towards them, so be it. Go warn them of what's to come. Because she doesn't deserve him. Go warn them to watch their backs."

David looked at me with wide eyes, before he ran out of the house and got in the car, driving away.

"Oh, Taylor. If only you knew that you didn't escape from me," I said to myself, with an hint of an evil laugh at the end. "Get ready, Brian. You're going to need to be ready for what I've got planned."


More information about Nicole and David in this chapter. I already have the next few chapters planned so it's all good. I know, I lied about putting these chapters out last night. I couldn't think of how to write them, so I did it this morning. Personally, I like how the book is coming along. Thanks for reading. I hope you guys are enjoying. Bye! 

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