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Seorin's POV

I opened my eyes as Someone tapped me. I looked up and my eyes widened , " Remember me ? "

I saw a dashing young man standing in front of me.

I shook my head , answering to his question.

" I did actually remember you but wasn't sure if you did remember me. " He sighed , " I'm the guy that you danced with during the ball. " He smiled as he spread his hand out.

" The name's Park , Park Hyunjae. " I chuckled , " Is that James bond's reference ? " He chuckled and nod.

We started to chat and realised that we actually click pretty well. We had many things to talk about since we have so many things in common.

" So you want to pursue Music but your parents didn't allow ? " I nod. " Lucky for you , My dad is actually the CEO of one of the known entertainment in Korea. If you would like to be an idol , Maybe I can help. "

A smile appeared on my face but it quickly faded away.

" But wouldn't it be unfair to others' ? " He raised his brows , " I mean , I got in through connections. " He chuckled , " I just introduce you to my dad , You still Have to go though audition. " I nod.

" But I don't think I'm destined for it. " His smile faded , " My parents aren't supportive of me becoming an idol. They want me to pursue something related to business. "

" Well , Its different for me. " He chuckled , " But it isn't a good thing either. My parents want me to be an idol but I want to be an actor. "

I stared at him with a straight face , " You can just be an actor in your parents entertainment. " He chuckled , " But I want to be treated the same and if the trainers know that i'm the CEO's Son , they would treat me different. "

" What's your dad's entertainment ? Maybe I'll try out. " He smiled , " DK Entertainment. " My eyes widened.


That's like the most known entertainment that debut many well known idols. Amount of people failing the auditions is like the amount of food I consume for my whole life. I eat a lot.

" I won't make it for sure. " He patted my head like i'm a dog which i ain't. " Don't worry about it and just try. " He smiled.

" Where is the audition taking place at ? "

Hyunjae's POV

I Brought Seorin to DK Entertainment's Audition venue. There's many people there , with all sorts of facial expression.

Some are crying , some are smiling widely , some are nervous and some are pretty chill.

" They are all so pretty , how can I challenge against them ? " I saw Seorin pout and I ruffled her hair. She's like a little kitten that I can place in my pocket.

Seorin went to sign up as I sat at the corner waiting for her to complete her audition card.

" Does she think she can really make the cut for it ? She's not even pretty. " I turned around and saw one girl insulting Seorin. I clenched my hand as I walked to her.

" Excuse me , " She looked at me with hearts in her eyes , but I'm not interested in her since she judge Seorin and this kind of girl is not my style.

" Can you stop insulting my friend ? It's rather disturbing. " Her jaw dropped , " I-I'm sorry. " I just walked away.

" Do you know her ? " Seorin asked as she walked back , " Just an acquaintance. " She smiled and nod. She held onto the name tag very tightly , " I'm actually so nervous. " She chuckled with fear in her voice.

" I'm sure you will do well. " She smiled.

" 05145 , 05146 , 05147 , 05148 and 05149 please come into the audition room. " A lady said as Seorin stood up and walked into the audition room.

Kim Seorin , Fighting !

Seorin's POV

I walked in , following the lady that announced our audition identification tag number.

Walking in , I saw three stern judges sitting by a long table. They didn't even smile for a second and it caused the whole atmosphere to be cold.

" 05145 please step up and introduce yourself. " A petite girl walked out with a smile and introduced herself. She started to sing to a song and everyone were fascinated by her singing.

" 05146 Pl- " A middle aged man walked in with a smile as he stared at me. " Kim Seorin ? " I nod , he smiled and sat by the table too

Is that perhaps , HyunJae's dad ?

I smiled at the judges , " Hi , My name is Kim Seorin and i'm 18 this year. People calls me all sorts of names but the one that made me remember the most is when someone calls me soew. " The judged burst out into laughter.

I started singing to Davichi's This love. My voice isn't those that are very strong , mine is calming.

The judges smiled at me and then the rest of the contestants had their audition before we exited the room again.

I spotted Hyunjae and he smiled at me , while waving. His eyes widened , I turned around and saw his father behind me.

" I'll treat you guys to tea. " He smiled and dragged us into his car before driving to a cafe to have tea.

" You sang really well , Seorin. " I smiled and thanked him. " What do you think about being an idol ? " I smiled.

" It's a great opportunity but my parents wouldn't allow me to. " He smiled , " I'll talk to your parents for you. For now , Please prepare to be a trainee. " He smiled at me and looked at his watch.

" I have to leave now , I'll see you guys soon. " He smiled and waved at us before walking out of the cafe.

" I can't believe it ! " I squealed and he laughed. " I knew that you can do it ! " I chuckled , " Thank you , Hyunjae-ssi ! " He laughed , " Just call me Hyunjae , without the ssi. "

I nodded , " Let's just hope my parents would allow me to be an idol. " He ruffled my hair , " I'm pretty sure they would. " I raised my brows at him.

" Your parents own one of the biggest company in Korea right ? " I nod , " My dad is friends with them , they would always travel around together. " I nod.

" But please promise me that you never give up on pursuing your dream. "

21st April 2017

My official written exams start next week and it's my second language :(

little did you know | jeon jungkook Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin