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Seorin's POV

Days passed , weeks passed and soon , Months passed. It has been exactly 3 months and 21 days since I last talked to Jungkook.

Saw him in school but didn't actually paid much attention to him.

That's a lie.

Even if we didn't talk , my heart would automatically just go to him. No matter where he is , even if it's 10,000 km away , My heart would still beat for him just by thinking about him.

I didn't have the courage to actually talk to him. The words he said to me is still healing , it's like an open wound still.

Did he really not like me ? even if it's a joke but not even a little tinny crush ?

I'm not bad looking , i'm rather gorgeous. Confident much but that's the kind of girl I aimed to be , I don't aim to be like those girls that are depressed because of their image , be proud of who you are ladies.

Slay Your Face !

I made a new friend too. His name Is Jinwoo , Kim Jinwoo. His extremely talented in terms of music and guess what ? His friends with Jungkook.

His like my partner in crime in order to be a thief and steal Jungkook's stone cold heart.

He shares with me informations about Jungkook and stuff , trying to help me steal his heart. Best friends help each other and that's him and me.

I didn't forget Nami. She's such a fluffy little thing , how can I forget her ?

She's dating Jinwoo.

Yes , We celebrated it so your a few weeks late but it's okay.

Believe it or not , Nami confessed to Jinwoo and Jinwoo actually liked Nami and then love sparks and i'm still there , the same old me , the same old single me.

I'm forever alone.

If someone were to write a story about my whole life , it would just be a sentence.

Forever alone.

It's the sad but true fact about my life. My parents are often away even after 3 months and 21 days they are still not home for even one second.

Best parents ever.

I guess in a way , since kids my age often wants freedom and just money to buy all their wants and needs but I didn't like it. I want my parents time , I would rather sacrifice money so that I could spend time with my family.

Jin is still the same old Jin , I guess my family is blessed with the forever alone blessing. We are all forever alone , It's just our life story.

" Kim Seorin ! " I flinched , " What are you daydreaming about ? Me ? " I smacked Nami in the stomach , " Work out and have some abs ! "

" I have a baby , so I can't exercise. " My eyes widened , " You , Jinwoo , I- " She laughed , " Your dirty. " She glared at me , " I already decided a name for my baby. "

" It's called , food. " I rolled my eyes and she laughed so hard that she literally rolled all over the floor because it's Na Nami , what can you expect ?

" Where's Jinwoo ? " I smirked , " In the washroom as usual. " I laughed , " His seriously in the washroom 24/7 , Sometimes I wonder what is he doing inside , Having a party with Hitler ? " I laughed , " What's with Hitler ? "

" I just learned about Hitler like a few minutes ago so it's just stuck in my mind for now. " She looked around and whispered to me , " Jinwoo doesn't have toilet roll. " Both of us laughed so hard.

She took the toilet roll from the nurse office and walked to the males' washroom's door.

" Kim Jinwoo , Get out here and take it ! " We heard a flushing sound and then The door opened , revealing Jinwoo in his pants.

" It's okay , I realized there's actually toilet roll but I didn't pull it out. " Nami glared at him , " Your such a pabo. " He smirked , " But you still love me though. Don't you ? "

" I don't. " Jinwoo pouted , " Then I'll go and find Some girls. " Nami smirked , " As if anyone wants you. "

I laughed so hard at their couple fight.

" Oh yeah , Didn't you say you have a ball party thing today ? not the school one. " I nod , " Jungkook is going too. " A smile crept up on my face.

" Are you thinking about what I'm thinking ? " Jinwoo asked , " Jungkook ! " I screamed while Jinwoo screamed , " Jinwoo ! "

We stared at each other in silence , " You guys are so bad at telepathy. " She patted both of our backs and smiled , " It's okay , there's always failure waiting for you guys. "

I glared at her and she just simply smile.

" I wonder why did I date you. " Jinwoo smirked , Nami flipped her hair , " Because you saw me and who am I ? Na Nami. " Jinwoo chuckled , " I know you as the student with a weird name. "

Nami smacked Jinwoo on his shoulder , " Get a life dude your so childish. " Jinwoo glared at her , " It hurts. "

" Get a life people. " I said as I cut in the middle of them , Incase their fight got bigger.

" Go away Seorin , I'm going to crush this dude into a million pieces. " Nami said while glaring at Jinwoo , " I'm going to crush you into a billion pieces. " She smirked , " But I crush you first so you can't crush me. "

" I was actually crushed already. " He suddenly said , " The moment I saw you , I just crushed , knowing that I would get hurt by you every time I see you. "

" It went all so romantic when you spoil it all. " Nami nods , " But I still love you my little cuddly puff. " He tried to hug Nami but she just simply walks away.

" Is she mad ? " I nod , " I'm so dead. " I nod , " Your not helping. " I nods , " I know , is there a time where i'm actually useful ? " he shook his head.

" Be at the ball by 5pm because Jungkook is going to be there at 6pm. Do not let him see your face because he have no clue that you are rich , he thought it was a lie. " I nod , " His wearing navy blue so try wearing navy blue if possible. "

He winked at me before running after Nami.

Jeno Jungkook , I'm going to make you fall in love with me without even knowing.

If possible.

19th April 2017

Hey guys ! I might not be posting for this few weeks , maybe weekends only ? since my exams already started and i'm struggling so bad.

So yeah ! Hope you guys enjoy this story till this point of time and yeah ! Just to give credits , Na Nami is a name given by my friend and because of it , I calls her Na Nami now.

And she hates it HAHAHA


if your a reader from music , I missed that ^

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