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Seorin's POV

I Went back to school , emotionless. I would usually see Jungkook in school so that's okay but now his really gone.

" I heard Jungkook transferred out of this school. " I nod , " It's okay , you have Na Nami. " She smiled , Jinwoo came and got smacked by Nami.

" Why did you tell us Jungkook is leaving ? " A frown appeared on his face , " Do you think I know ? I'm more hurt that my friend or supposedly best friend left for another country without saying a word. " He bumped his shoulder against Nami's before walking off.

" I think Jinwoo didn't know. " She nods.

" Don't be sad , I think he would be back soon. " I shrugged , " I'm not really sure but hopefully. " I smiled.

We went to class and life is empty without Jungkook and i'm sure about it.

It felt as if your wearing a earphone with no music playing , or a plate of food with no taste to it at all , or even doing make up with water.

I laid my head on the desk as I stared at Jungkook's seat.

I miss you so much.

Jungkook's POV

Moving to Canada is a big change in my life. The environment changed , Atmosphere changed and of course the people changed.

I missed Seoul so much.

I do like Canada but nothing beats your own hometown. I'm from Busan but Seoul is like my second home.

Being In Canada made me felt bad , My strongest subject isn't english , while my weakest subject is indeed english.

I could get all of my subjects full marks but I couldn't get English full marks. Maybe 99 marks ?

What I like about Canada is the fact that they have many Koreans here and it doesn't really feel like i'm no longer in Seoul. Most of them speaks Korean here so i'm pretty okay with it I guess.

I bought a new phone and left my old phone back in Seoul since I wanted a fresh new start in my life.

I went to my dorm and opened my luggage bag. I shared a room with a Hong Kong student named Jackson. His pretty cool and he speaks really good English.

" Hey man , Why did you bring this ? " He held up a white shirt with coffee stain on it and A smile crept up onto my face , just like how I creep into your heart.

" That's a secret. " I said as I snatched the shirt away. He glared at me , " Meanie. " I chuckled , " Jackson Wang , Get me the towel ! " He threw the towel in front of my face but grabbed it and threw it behind me.

" Catch me if you can ! " He screamed as he ran around the dorm and the dorm isn't big.

He accidentally pushed the table and the cup fell to the ground , causing it to break.

Both of our eyes and we stayed silent for a few minutes.

" What should we do ? " He asked and I shrugged.

" Let's just play kick the glass. " He started kicking the glass , causing a bigger mess. I stared at him in disbelief , Why am I roommate with a fool ?

I went to take a long shower , thinking about those days in Seoul. After I came out , I saw Jackson laying on the bed , watching television.

" Hey bro. " I just smiled at him , " Why you got to be so rude ? " He asked , " Cause your Jackson. " He laughed and then put on a straight face.

He walked to me with a serious face and then started doing derp faces in front of my face. I smacked him softly to get rid of his face and he went to the corner , sobbing loudly.

I left my dorm wearing a black hoodie and black pants since i felt rather dull today.

I went to the near by convenient store to get some snacks and noodles if they have any. I entered the store and saw the sign which says , ' Korea items '.

A smile appeared on my face as I walked there to check out some goods they have here.

" Ramen ! " I smiled and grabbed a few packets of Ramen. I proceeded to grab some korean snacks like Honey butter chips and tteokbokki snacks.

I brought all of the items to the counter and paid for it.

I walked back to the dorm with two huge bags of korean items. I guess you can call me a homesick boy.

I unlocked the door to the dorm and Jackson's eyes widened. He ran to me and brought the bags into the dorm , he opened the bag and he took out everything.

His face shows that his disappointed.

" I don't understand a single thing on the food. " He said as he points to the Hangul characters on the snacks and noodles. I just laughed.

He took the honey butter chips and opened it. He started eating it and his eyes widened as he place his hand into the bag , fishing for more chips.

" This is so good ! " He said as he shoved more chips into his mouth. I snatched the chips away and I munched away. He placed his hand into the bag again and I smacked his hand. He looked at me with a pout and I threw my pillow in his face.

He laid on his bed , " I can't believe i'm roommate with a rude dude. " I laughed , " And I can't believe i'm roommate with a pervert. " He glared at me and I did the same.

" You got no jams. " He said , My eyes widened.

" You know Jimin and Namjoon too ? " He nodded , " We went Way back. " I nod , " Same here. " I chuckled , " But it's true that Jimin have no jams. " He nods and laughed.

" It's so coincident how we are friends now. " I nods , " Do you know Jimin became a dance choreographer ? " I shook my head , " His dream came true ! " He nods.

" What's your dream ? " He smiled , " Being in the national team for fencing. " I nod , " You ? " I sighed , " I want to pursue a music career but my parents didn't want me to. "

" Show proof that your able to do it well. Prove to them wrong. " I stared at him , " But they want me to pursue a Business career. " He sighed , " Do you like Business ? " I shook my head , " Then don't pursue business career. "

" But My Pa- " He cut me off .

" If you continue proving to your parents that they are right , your proving to the world that you have no jams. "

21st April 2017

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