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Seorin's POV

" My favourite one true pair ! " Nami said as she opened the door. Both Jungkook and I got a shock of our life.

" You got the wrong idea. " She smirked , " Nope , I will believe what i believe. " She winked at me and looked at Jungkook , " I'll bless you with Seorin. " She pushed me to Jungkook and smiled.

" Last long ! " Before walking out of the music room.

" What's with your friend ? " I shrugged , " Anyways , Let's get back to business. " I nod and walked to the keyboard.

" You'll play the keyboard and I'll play the guitar. " I nod , " Is that okay for you ? " I nod and smiled.

Jungkook and I started playing the tune to breath and we start singing too. We played and sang till the end.

We were both proud of our achievement because it's the first time we actually managed to do both perfectly.

" It's already 7pm. " I said as I looked at my phone ,
" I'll bring you home. " I shook my head , " It's okay , I'm an independent woman. " He chuckled , " Okay , get home safe. "

I walked to the bus stop and I felt someone sitting next to me.

I ignored her since I didn't know her.

" You chose to ignore my message haven't you ? " I turned and realised that girl beside me might be the anonymous messenger.

" I told you to stay away from Jungkook , why didn't you ? " I moved away from her and she just kept moving closer to me. " Because of you , Jungkook broke up with me. He loved me so much and you came and wreaked it all. "

" I'm going to kill you. " She took a knife from her bag , My eyes widened. I was frozen for a moment , I wanted to move but I can't.

I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen area , I looked down and saw blood oozing out of my wound. I fell to the ground and She smirked at me , " I told you to back off didn't I ? And you didn't listen. "

" W-Who Are you ? " She smirked , " Jungkook's Girlfriend. " That's the last thing I heard before blacking out.

Jungkook's POV

I Went home and saw my mom sitting in the living room with my dad. I walked past them to go to my room but they stopped me.

" Jeon Jungkook. " My dad said , " Why are you so rude to your mom ?! " I turned to face them , " Is it wrong to pursue what you truly love ? "

" There's no such thing in business industry ! " I smirked , " That is why I don't want to be in the business industry , I don't want to do something I hate for the rest of my life. Can't you guys just understand me ?! Why do you guys only care about money ? Why make me date Shinhee just because of money ? "

I ran to my room and locked the door.

I want to be alone for a moment. I Don't even know what to feel anymore.

I sat in front of my family picture , If only I could be the young Jungkook again. The Jungkook that only cares about having fun and having no worries. The older i get , The more worries I have and the more stress I get.

I sighed , If only all of these is a nightmare.

I don't know why did I became so much closer to Seorin as well , it just happened. She does really resemble a duck. She thinks she's all perfect and stuff but the truth is , she just looks like a duck.

I chuckled to myself thinking about her face.

I wonder what is she up to ? Admiring herself in the mirror again ?

I messaged her , ' What are you doing ? Admiring yourself in the mirror again ? Duck ! Remember to memorise the song ! '

I laid on my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Jin's POV

I Was cooking a hearty dinner for Both Seorin and I when I received a call. I wanted to answer it but I can't off the fire right now so I quickly cook the food and served it on a plate before walking to get my phone.

It's from anonymous.

A - Hello ? Is this Mr Kim Seokjin ?
J - Hi , Yes this is Mr Kim Seokjin.
A - Please calm down. I'm calling from Seoul Hospital , Ms Kim Seorin was admitting to the hospital due to a knife wound in her abdomen area. Please come down to the hospital as quickly as possible.

I felt like the whole world just stopped. I kept questioning myself , Did they just say that my sister was admitted to the hospital ?

I removed my apron and drove to the hospital. I didn't care how I would get to the hospital , I just want to get there as fast as I could. I want Seorin to be safe.

I reached the Hospital and I ran to the counter.

" Where is Kim Seorin ? " The nurse checked the computer , " She's still in the emergency room. " My heart literally broke , emergency room.

Why her ?

Why isn't it me but it's her ?

I ran to the emergency room and sat outside , waiting for seconds , minutes and hours just for Seorin to come out.

It has been about 5 hours and Seorin is still not out yet. What if she's gone , what would I do ? How would I tell mom and dad ? What would I do without her in my life anymore ?

She means the world to me.

She's more important than Princess Peach and Mario. She's like the heart in my body , without her , I would die.

Ever since Young , Seorin have been relying on me because my parents are never home. She often would do everything by herself , so that she wouldn't trouble me.

No matter how old is she , she's still my Baby sister , My only Baby sister.

Even if she's 90 years old , she would still be the baby sister that I cherished with all my heart.

Knowing that she's in the emergency room now , it made me felt as if I didn't do my job well as an older brother.

I tried calling my parents but they didn't answer , I supposed even if they know that Seorin is in this state , they wouldn't travel back to Korea because their job is more important than their daughter.

I'm using my hand to cover my face , tears rolling down my cheeks. I wanted to take over Seorin so bad , she's so young and she have to go through so much.

I would give her everything , even my favourite Princess Peach Soft toy but I just want her to be safe and healthy. I can give her everything in the world that she wants , Just please be safe.

Just then the door opened and I shot up.

" Is she okay ? " The doctor removed his mask , He opened his mouth and My whole world just stopped.

15th April 2017

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