War of Change: Adrien's Betrayal!

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Hey everyone! This chapter has around 3000 words, so I suggest you get comfy!

The ambulance soon arrived to pick up the dangerously wounded Gabriel, and help him.

"Dad! You will be ok, I promise! You will live!" Adrien said to his father inside the ambulance.

Meanwhile, Noroo was in poor condition as well. His wings started to turn to ash, and he grew weaker and weaker. Master Fu did gave his all to heal Noroo, but he didn't have high hopes.

Could this be the end for Noroo?

Tikki, on the other hand was getting better and better. Her spots returned, and she could float again. But her eyes were still, broken. Nobody knew why. She was safe, right? No reason to be sad?

"Tikki, what's wrong? Please, smile, nod, look at me, anything!" Plagg begged her. Tikki looked at him, and whispered with a shaky breath:
"Plagg, Spotty Bane...."

But she trailed off as Marinette silently entered Master Fu's home. They made eye contact, both instantly bursting into tears, running and flying into each other's arms.

"Oh Tikki! My sweet little Tikki! You came back to me! You came back to me!" Marinette smiled through her tears.
"Marinette! My Marinette! I missed you so much!" Tikki smiled back at her.

They hugged like that for a while, Tikki showering Marinette's cheek with kisses, and Marinette giggling like a little girl. Then, Tikki remembered something:

"Marinette! How's your baby?"

At that, Marinette's smile disappeared. Her eyes became glossy, as she tried to supress the memory. With a whisper, she replied:
"One of them is fine, the other...." She trailed off, blinking back tears. Tikki looked sadly at her, and hugged her cheek. Then, she went down to her stomach, and leaned her head on it.

Humming in approval, she went back up to Marinette, and said:
" This baby is very healthy, Marinette. I am sorry you lost the other."

"Its ok, Tikki. It was my fault anyways." Marinette looked down.
Tikki gasped and asked her:
"Who told you that??? You didn't kill her on purpose!"

Marinette looked up at Tikki, and bit her lip.
"Spotty Bane...."

"Don't listen to that lying, disgusting, low-life snake." Plagg growled.

"Plagg!" Tikki turned to him, wide eyed.
"What Tikki? What do you have to say? Don't even try telling me he has good in him, because he doesn't. You two should know that first." Plagg snapped at her, and flew away.

Tikki sighed, and looked back at Marinette, and said:
" Spotty Bane isn't a great father figure, but he does care."

Tikki looked away, expecting Marinette to gawk at her words, but instead she said:
" I don't doubt it. He is similar to Gabriel in many ways, only he had much more time to screw things up." Marinette smiled at Tikki, leaving Tikki gawking at her words.

At the hospital

Adrien was in the waiting room, staring at the wall. His father is currently being operated on, because the bullet damaged his heart.

Adrien sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, when he heard heels clicking down the hallway. The person with the heels turned a corner, and came into view. Her usually tied up hair was loose, her outfit was different, and her sunglasses were missing.


Once she saw him, empathy filled her eyes as she walked hastily towards him. Adrien stood up, and looked at her with a frown.

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