"well you said not to go easy on you guys! so we are playing how we usually play!"

"if that serve had hit me I would have gotten a concussion from it" Patrick whines

"Oh suck it up and grow a pair!" I said as I caught the ball that Jon and thrown at me. That comment got "ooooohhhh!!!! you just got burned by a girl!" and stuff like that

"I bet you cant do that again if you tried!" Jonathan said.

"Please I could do this in my sleep!" I went back to the line again and served one at Jonathan this time and it landed right on the line in the deep corner. I kept serving like this for awhile until they finally got a pass back over the net. Chloe passed it perfectly to me so I was able to set her up for what she does best. I set her up a little to tight so instead of having a nice clean kill. she pounds the ball down right over the net, and practically lands on the net as she comes down.

"sorry I forgot that you like your sets off the net" I turn to chloe who was still like hanging on the net. "okay its your guys ball because we were in the net"

It was Jon's turn to serve. he served overhand but his serve was a probably one of the easiest serves to pass. Chloe passed this one perfectly to me just like she did the last one. I make sure to set this one farther off the net so he can show the guys what she does best. she hit the ball so hsrd than when it hit the ground it sprayed sand on toews who was about to pass it. He looked like he wet him self when he saw the hit coming toward him. all we heard were the guys going 'HOLY SHIT' and laughing uncontrollably at the look and Jonathans face. the rest of the game went by pretty fast and Chloe and I beat the boys 25-6. We let the boys win the next game (to get their confidence back up) but we didnt let them win by to much. You know so they dont get too cocky. it was the third game and Chloe and I were crushing the boys 20-3.

Chloe had just gotten a kill and we had gotten yet another point. I was going back to serve when all of a sudden I hear this high pitched scream

"OMFG ITS THE CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS!!!!!!!" then I look over and see about 7 really skinny girls with pounds of make up on in skimpy little bikinis.

I walk over to where Chloe was standing on the court still processing what just happened.

"looks like we got a group of puck bunnies here"

I was walking over to where jonathan was standing to see if we were going to finish the game or not. just as I had reached him a puck bunny pushes me aside and just gives me the dirtiest look. I just smile and start walking away when she mumbles "...slut..." just loud enough for me to hear. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to face her "what did you just call me?!?!"

"oh I sorry did you hear me call you and your friend a slut! only sluts would be playing volleyball with a bunch of hot hockey players. not to mention you two were the only girls in before we came!"

I couldn't think of any good comebacks so my instinct was to just go after her. That girl would have been on the ground by now if Chloe hand picked me up and Carr me over by the door. I still had the volleyball in my hand **I wasn't thinking when I did this...it kind of just happened** so I threw the ball hard at the girl who I had been talking to and it hit her square in the shoulder. Chloe had already left to go back to the room when I had reached for the door to go catch up to her. Before I was able to open the door all the way i see a hand touch the door and close it again. I look up to see Patrick Sharp standing over me with a concerned look.

"Are you guys leaving because they showed up? Because I could easily get them to..."

I didnt let him finish before I cut him off..."You know what...Chloe and I thought of you guys as normal people not major hockey stars. We thought we had made some friends here, but no! you guys are no different then any of the other famous athletes out there. You guys all are the same!!! you only go for the fake girls who have huge boobs and butts instead of realizing that they ACT like they love you but really all they want is to use you for the money and fame! Once a girl like that walks in the room its like all you can focus on and have time for is them! if you want to find a true genuine girl or even just a friend that isn't famous, you have to at least make and effort to show that you care about them! but because you guys are famous hockey player you just want somebody that you can show off"

I just stormed through that door without even letting patrick answer me.

  By the time I got back to the room Chloe was sitting on the couch eating oreos and watching the movie Step Up:Revolution. I noticed that she had changed into a pair of black nike pro spandex and her Penn State volleyball shirt.

"What took you so long to get back?" she asked as soon as she heard the door close.

"Dont want to talk about it"

I stormed off to my room in the suite to change into different clothes. I put on my favorite neon green nike pro sports bra and an old pair of volleyball sweatpants. We had finished watching Step Up and decided to watch a Big Bang Theory marathon instead which just happened to be on tv. We had finished watching about 3 episodes of Big Bang Theory when I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Not it!" Chloe said before she stuffed her face with chips. *shes such I child* I thought

I quickly got up to go open the door and you wouldn't believe who was standing there....

(A/N: who is at the door is the guys? the puck bunnies from the pool? or is it Chloe and Megan's ex's?)

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