Chapter 6

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I apparate John to the jail that Mark David Chapman is in.  We've decided to just play a dirty prank on the guy.  I have no idea if John forgave him or not.  I would imagine that being very hard.  But this is just a nice way of getting innocent revenge.

Rianna:  So John, are you gonna paint yourself white or what?

John:  I was just thinking that you could make me transparent or something and I could go through the jail bars and scare the crap outa the guy.

Rianna:  Alright, sounds easy enough.  *poofs John into a transparent John*  Ok you are see through.  *Puts hand through John's stomach*  Eww grody, it got all cold, that's sick!

John:  Haha, this is so cool.  *Floats over to the jail cell moaning*

Rianna:  *Following him*

John:  *goes through the bars*  THIS IS THE GHOST OF JOHN LENNON OHHHHHHHHHHH!

Dude in the cell:  Hey man, you got the wrong cell brotha, the Chapman dude is ovah there, man dude brotha.  *Points to cell across from his*

Rianna:  *face palm*

John:  *goes to the RIGHT cell*  This is the ghost of John Lennon!  The man you killed... remember!

Chapman:  *shudders in the corner*  Wha- what do yo- you want from m- me- me?


Chapman:  *screams bloody murder as John comes up to him and puts his hand through his chest*  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

John:  *pulls his hand out laughing*  Haha, I don't want your soul man.

Chapman:  Then wha- what do you want?

John:  *in a scary voice*  I WANT A SUBWAY SANDWICH!!!!  GIVE IT TO ME... NOOOOOOW!

Chapman:  Bu- but I don't have a Subway sandwich.

John:  Then give me an apology then.

Chapman:  I'm sorry, John.


Chapman:  For- for killing you.

John:  And WHY did you do it?

Chapman:  I wanted to acquire your fame.

John:  And how did that work out for you?

Chapman:  ....It didn't.

John:  That's what i thought.  And would you ever do it again?

Chapman:  No.

John:  So you learnt your lesson.

Chapman:  Uh... ye- yes.  Yes I have.

John:  Oh that's good.  *Starts heading towards the door*

Chapman:  *looks hopeful*  Are you going to release me?!?!

John:  Ha NO.  You're gonna rot in this cell.  *John goes over to Rianna about to apparate*  Ta ta.

*We apparate back to where everyone else is.*

Paul:  Sooo, how'd it go?

John:  *Laughing his arse off*  Really well.

Ringo:  Sounds like it.

George:  Geez, what did you guys do?

Paul:  Whoah, dirty thoughts George!

George.  I know, I know.

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