Chapter Thirty Five

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Donna's POV


I froze, it couldn't be Leo, I turned around but Leo is still the way he was before, I shrugged, I must be hearing things.

"Donna." I turned over to the door to see Neymar looking at me.


"Did you not hear me calling you the first time?" He asked curiously, it was him, well that makes sense.

"Oh I thought that was- nevermind."

"You thought It was Leo, didn't you?" He said chuckling, I nodded in embarrassment, I can feel my cheeks burning up.

"Don't be embarrassed.... actually that is kinda embarrassing, how did you not see me standing at the door? You were literally heading towards it." Gee, now I feel dumb.

"Yeah I was just lost in thought I didn't even see you nor did I think the voice was coming from that direction." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Anyway I called you to tell you visiting times are nearly over, but you were finished anyway." He said.

"Yeah, I said all I needed to say to him for now."

"That's good, we'll be coming back tomorrow anyway, well that's only if you want too." He said.

"Of course I do."

"Okay sure, we better get going before we get kicked out." He said, I nodded.

I walked over to my mum.

"How long do you think he'll be in a coma?" I asked.

"The doctors said most likely around 2-4 weeks but possibly longer or if he's lucky only a few days." She told me.

"Well let's hope he gets lucky huh." I said, she smiled.

"Yeah, we're all hoping that. Anyway we best get out of here before we get kicked out! The visiting hours here are really short." She sighed.

"That's annoying, they should at least let you or Anto stay for as long as you want, how is Anto by the way?

"Yeah, she's really upset, she haven't told  Thiago and Mateo yet."

"I can't imagine how she's feeling right now."


We all left the hospital, I said my goodbyes to my mum and headed back to Ney's house.

"Home sweet home!" Neymar exclaimed, I chuckled.

"So whatcha wanna do for the remainder of the day?" He asked.

"I don't mind." I replied plopping myself down onto the sofa.

"How about binge watch some Netflix shows?" He suggested.

"Sounds good to me!" I chirped, this is all I do in my spare time anyway, well, other than edit and play football.

"I'll get the popcorn!"

"I'll get the drinks!" I said heading to the fridge. "What you want?!"

"A simple can of coke will do."

"A coke coming right up." I took 2 cokes out and put them on the coffee table.

Ney got the popcorn, plopped down beside me and turned on Netflix.

*6 hours later*

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around, did I fall asleep? I'm resting my head on Neymar's chest. I look up at ney, he's asleep, the question here is when did we fall asleep? I look over at the Tv which is switched off, he must've turned it off before he feel asleep but if he wanted to sleep why didn't he just go to bed?

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