Chapter Twenty Three

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Simon's POV

I'm still pretty annoyed with Donna and Harry, Harry should've asked me first, we made a promise that we wouldn't date each others sisters or even be slightly attracted to them but boom, Harry's dating MY sister!! I know i shouldn't be getting this upset, but it's just weird to think of the stuff they'll be doing together yanno? That's grim. Also what are they doing in Spain? I would ring her but I'm still annoyed with her.

I sat and thought a little more about it.

I got it! What if I date Harry's sister! Wait.... she's underage that wouldn't work.... Wait, I have another idea, what if I start dating this girl I know Donna hates a lot so she can sense how I'm feeling right now, not only did I make a promise with they guys, I made a promise with her that she wouldn't date any of the guys either. But back to the idea, I'm going to start "going out" with this girl to get them back, but it won't be a real relationship because I'm still kinda a nice person deep down and wouldn't actually date this girl.

I don't have her number, but I'm pretty sure I'll find her on twitter. What was her name again?!

Donna's POV

"WAKE UP!" I shouted, jumping on top of Harry.

"Hmhmhm." He mumbled into the pillow.

"Cmon haz, WAKE UP!" I said, getting off him and pulling the blankets off the bed, Harry didn't even stir.

"People usually get mad when I do that." I said confused to why he didn't even move, suddenly he shot up out of bed and ran at me.

He lifted me up, spun me around then threw me gently down onto the bed and started lying on top of me.

"Get off!!" I said laughing.

"Now you know how I felt!" He said, still lying on me, so I tried to push him off but it just wasn't working.

"Cmon bog, get off!!" I said still laughing, he gave up and got off me, thank god.

Simon's POV

Oh this is her! I scrolled through her photos to make sure it was really her, which if was and she follows me already so I can dm her.

The dm said:

Hey Kate, how are you? I was just wondering if you'd be up for something?

Now, I wait for a reply.

Donna's POV

"Harry what is wrong with you today?! You're taking ages to get ready!" I said getting impatient since we had to leave to meet up for lunch with Geri and Marc like right now, which I'm so excited about.

"I'm ready." He said walking out of the bathroom.

"Lets go!" I said. I grabbed my bag and we left.

We went down to the lobby.

"Do you have Hugo's number saved?" I asked Harry.

"Think so." He replied, looking through his contacts. "Yeah I do, I'll ring him." He said ringing him, to ask for him to pick us up.

"Okay thanks! Adios." He said hanging up. "He'll be here in 5 minutes."

I nodded and took out my phone, imma go on Twitter since it's my favourite app right now. I scrolled through my news feed and one post in particular caught my eye.

Tweet from miniminter:

Okay guys so I'd like to announce something important, I hope you will all support me like you usually do.

The Star In The MakingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora