Chapter Eleven

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Simon's POV

I Haven't slept at all due to making videos with the guys all night long. I'm just after finishing playing Gmod death run with the guys, I'll edit that later because I'm too drained right now. I feel really bad right now and it's not because I'm tired its because Donna's leaving this evening to go to Barcelona. I'm happy for her and all but I'll miss her, I'm used to seeing her everyday so it'll just be weird without her here.

I checked the time on my phone, it's 9 am, I'm already dressed from making the videos so I'm just going to keep these clothes on, hey, allow me!

Imma go see if Donna's awake yet. I entered Donna's room and seen that she was packing.

"Here I'll help you pack." I said to her.

"Okay, thanks." She said folding a t-shirt.

She looked stressed so I decided to help her pack. It took us 30 minutes to finish packing but I didn't mind helping her.

"Thanks Si and I finally have all six videos ready!" Donna said happily.

"Don't mention it, really that's great!" I replied.

"Yeah fam." She said giving me a high-five.

We decided to go get breakfast. I ended up making pancakes for Donna, Vikk, Josh, JJ and I. They were pretty good if I do say so myself.

Me and Donna cleaned up after everyone since they all left to go back to their rooms apart from JJ who was just sitting there on his phone.

He looked up from his phone and over at us, then asked "Hey Donna what time is your flight?"

"4." She replied.

"I can give you a lift to the airport If you'd like." Jj suggested.

"Sure, thanks." Donna said and resumed washing up.

I kinda wanted to bring her to the airport, but I guess I'll just go along with her and Jj.

Donna's POV (skipping to the journey to airport)

Today I haven't really done that much, I've finished packing for Barcelona and after that I ate breakfast and chilled with the guys for the rest. Right now I'm getting ready to leave for the airport, Jj's giving me a lift and Simon's coming too.

Simon carried my bags out to Jj's car, throwing them into the boot. We all sat into his car, I was in the passenger seat and Simon was in the back, he hates sitting in the back so HA.

The car journey consisted of us singing and laughing at how bad we were at it. We've arrived at the airport and now I feel even more nervous, I'll know nobody over here, well I'll know the players because who doesn't know them right? But I mean I don't know them well enough and I just won't fit in.

I took out my bags from the boot of the car. Simon and Jj walked with me all the way to security where they weren't aloud walk any further with me. I hugged Jj goodbye and then made my way to Simon and gave him a tight hug. I'll miss everyone a lot, I know it's only 2 weeks but still it's a long time for me! We said our goodbyes and I proceeded through security.

Finally I reached my gate just in time, everyone was starting to line up to get on the plane. While I was waiting in line I heard someone say "oh my god is that Donna minter?" Who I'm assuming is their friend or something said "oh my god it is, let's go over to her!!" After she said that they started walking towards me.

"Hey, are you Donna Minter?!" A girl that looked about 13 asked.

"Yes, I am." I replied with a smile.

"Oh my god! We love your videos so much, can we get a picture with you?!" Another girl that looked 15 said nervously.

"Of course!" I said, then posed with them for a picture.

"Thank you so much!" They said running back to where they were.

They were so nice! I'm still trying to getting used to people actually recognising me, it feels so weird still!

A few minutes later I finally boarded the plane. I found my seat, sat down and took out my earphones.

(Skipping flight)

After about 2 and a half hours on the plane, finally I've arrived in Barcelona! I've always wanted to come here, so I'm sooo excited but honestly more nervous. On the way out of the airport, I seen a person holding a sign with "minter" writin on it, I'm guessing that's meant for me. I made my way to the man holding the sign, he looked at me and asked if I was Donna Minter. We made our way to this really nice car, he opened the car door for me.

"Thank you." I said while sitting Into the car.

On the way to wherever I'll be staying, I talked to my driver the whole way there which name was Nicolas, he was so friendly and easy to get along with. We arrived at the front of this really fancy looking hotel, it looks amazing! Nicolas came over and opened my door, when I got out he handed me my bags. I thanked him.

"See you soon!" I said, Nicolas told me he'd my driver for the period of time I'll be staying here for.

I made my way into the hotel. Wow this place is so cool and modern! I went up to the desk and checked in. Apparently I have the biggest room in this hotel, I'm so exited too see what it looks like.



End of chapter Eleven!

Donnas finally arrived at barca! Next chapter will be her very first training with FC Barcelona, how do you think she'll get on?!

This chapter isn't really that good and it's really short! Sorry again about not updating. I've been doing loads of stuff this summer, meaning I haven't had time for this book. From now on ill try my best to write more for you guys.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading!!

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